• HAMAS dan Israel Terbuka untuk melalukan Perpanjangan Gencatan Senjata

    Gaza City - Kelompok Hamas dilaporkan terbuka untuk kembali memperpanjang gencatan senjata dengan Israel menjelang berakhirnya perpanjangan terbaru pada Jumat (1/12) pagi waktu setempat. Amerika Serikat (AS), salah satu mediator dalam kesepakatan antara Israel-Hamas, juga menyerukan agar jeda pertempuran terus berlanjut.

  • Orang-orang yang Dilarang Ikut Pemilu dan Pilpres 2024

    Jakarta,PP88-- UU Pemilu mengatur larangan bagi orang dengan jabatan tertentu dilibatkan dalam Pemilu 2024 mendatang. siapa saja yang dilarang ??

  • Tangkap Laser dari Pesawat Antariksa NASA Berjarak 16 KM

    Jakarta, PP88 -- Badan antariksa AS NASA menangkap sinyal laser yang ditembakkan dari instrumen yang diluncurkan dengan pesawat ruang angkasa Psyche, yang saat ini berada pada jarak 16 juta kilometer dari Bumi.

Thursday, November 30, 2023

HAMAS dan Israel Terbuka untuk melalukan Perpanjangan Gencatan Senjata

 Gaza City - Kelompok Hamas dilaporkan terbuka untuk kembali memperpanjang gencatan senjata dengan Israel menjelang berakhirnya perpanjangan terbaru pada Jumat (1/12) pagi waktu setempat. Amerika Serikat (AS), salah satu mediator dalam kesepakatan antara Israel-Hamas, juga menyerukan agar jeda pertempuran terus berlanjut.

Namun sejauh ini, belum ada indikasi soal perpanjangan gencatan senjata dari pemerintah Israel.

Seperti dilansir AFP dan Al Arabiya, Jumat (1/12/2023), gencatan senjata yang telah berlangsung selama tujuh hari terakhir memungkinkan pembebasan puluhan sandera Israel yang ditukar dengan lebih dari 200 tahanan Palestina. Bantuan kemanusiaan juga terus mengalir masuk ke Jalur Gaza yang dikuasai Hamas.

Seorang sumber yang dekat dengan Hamas menuturkan kepada AFP pada Kamis (30/12) waktu setempat bahwa kelompok militan Palestina itu 'bersedia untuk memperpanjang gencatan senjata'.

"Para mediator saat ini sedang melakukan upaya-upaya yang kuat, intens dan berkelanjutan untuk satu hari tambahan dalam gencatan senjata, dan kemudian berupaya untuk memperpanjangnya lagi untuk hari-hari berikutnya," ucap sumber yang dikutip AFP tersebut.

Namun hingga Jumat (1/12) pagi waktu setempat, tidak ada tanda-tanda ataupun indikasi soal apakah kedua belah pihak akan mencapai kesepakatan untuk memperpanjang lebih lanjut gencatan senjata untuk hari kedelapan.

Gencatan senjata, yang dijadwalkan berakhir pada Jumat (1/12) pagi sekitar pukul 07.00 waktu setempat, telah menghentikan pertempuran yang dimulai 7 Oktober lalu ketika Hamas melancarkan serangan mengejutkan terhadap Israel. Sekitar 1.200 orang tewas dan lebih dari 240 orang disandera usai serangan tersebut.

Israel bersumpah untuk menghancurkan Hamas sebagai respons atas serangan itu dan melancarkan serangan via udara, darat dan laut terhadap Jalur Gaza, yang menurut otoritas kesehatan setempat, telah menewaskan lebih dari 15.000 orang.

Sejak kesepakatan gencatan senjata, yang dimediasi oleh Qatar, Mesir dan AS, diberlakukan pada Jumat (24/11) lalu, total sedikitnya 80 sandera Israel dibebaskan oleh Hamas dan ditukar dengan total 240 tahanan Palestina yang dibebaskan dari penjara-penjara Israel.

Lebih dari 20 sandera asing, sebagian besar warga Thailand yang bekerja di Israel, juga dibebaskan oleh Hamas dalam kesepakatan terpisah.

Pada gencatan senjata hari ketujuh, atau Kamis (30/11) malam, Hamas membebaskan delapan sandera Israel, termasuk beberapa yang berkewarganegaraan ganda, yang ditukar dengan 30 tahanan Palestina.

Menlu AS Serukan Perpanjangan Jeda Pertempuran di Gaza

Menteri Luar Negeri (Menlu) AS Antony Blinken, ketika mengunjungi Israel pada Kamis (30/11), menyerukan perpanjangan lebih lanjut untuk gencatan senjata antara Israel dan Hamas di Jalur Gaza.

"Jelas, kami ingin melihat proses ini berlanjut. Kami menginginkan hari kedelapan dan seterusnya," cetus Blinken usai menghadiri pertemuan dengan para pemimpin di Israel dan Tepi Barat.

Monday, November 27, 2023

Tangkap Laser dari Pesawat Antariksa NASA Berjarak 16 Juta Km

Jakarta, PP88 -- Badan antariksa AS NASA menangkap sinyal laser yang ditembakkan dari instrumen yang diluncurkan dengan pesawat ruang angkasa Psyche, yang saat ini berada pada jarak 16 juta kilometer dari Bumi.

Pesawat antariksa ini sendiri sedang dalam misi menuju asteroid logam misterius.

Momen yang terjadi pada 14 November tersebut menandai keberhasilan pengujian pertama sistem Komunikasi Optik Antariksa Dalam (DSOC) milik NASA.

ni merupakan alat komunikasi generasi berikutnya yang mengirimkan informasi antarplanet bukan lagi melalui gelombang radio, melainkan sinar laser.

Hal ini merupakan bagian dari serangkaian tes yang dilakukan NASA untuk mempercepat komunikasi di luar angkasa, dalam berbagai misi.

"Meraih cahaya pertama adalah pencapaian yang luar biasa. Sistem di darat berhasil mendeteksi foton laser luar angkasa dari DSOC," kata Abi Biswas, ahli teknologi proyek sistem di Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) NASA, California, dalam sebuah pernyataan dikutip dari Space.

"Dan kami juga dapat mengirimkan beberapa data yang berarti kami dapat bertukar 'sedikit cahaya' dari dan ke luar angkasa," tambah Biswas.

Misi lain telah mencoba komunikasi laser di orbit Bumi atau dalam perjalanan ke Bulan dan sebaliknya. Namun, DSOC menjadikan komunikasi laser sebagai pengujian tersulit dan terjauh yang pernah ada.

Jika hal ini berhasil, para pejabat NASA berharap bahwa para astronaut pada dekade-dekade mendatang, dengan misi ke Bulan atau Mars, dapat menggunakan sinar laser sebagai sarana untuk melakukan kendali di darat.

Kronologi pengetesan
Tes DSOC ini dimulai di Fasilitas Table Mountain JPL, perbukitan di luar Los Angeles, California. Para insinyur menyalakan suar uplink, sebuah laser inframerah dekat yang diarahkan ke arah Psyche.

Sekitar 50 detik kemudian, pemancar di Psyche menerima laser dan meneruskan sinyal lasernya kembali ke Observatorium Palomar, dekat San Diego.

Tugas ini memerlukan ketelitian astronomi dan sistem panduan otomatis untuk membantu mengarahkan laser Psyche sendiri.
Jika uji coba tersebut berhasil, manfaatnya akan besar. Hal ini disebabkan sinar laser memiliki panjang gelombang yang lebih pendek dibandingkan gelombang radio.

Penggunaan sinar optik akan memungkinkan misi luar angkasa mengirimkan informasi 10 hingga 100 kali lebih banyak per satuan waktu dibandingkan saat ini yang masih dengan gelombang radio.

Tes pada 14 November pun menandai "cahaya pertama" untuk DSOC.

Para insinyur akan terus menguji sistem tersebut saat Psyche melakukan perjalanan ke asteroid yang memiliki nama yang sama, yang berada di sabuk asteroid antara Mars dan Jupiter.

Psyche harus sampai di sana pada 2029, lalu menghabiskan 29 bulan mengamati sepasang asteroid yang merupakan dunia metalik yang aneh.

Misi ini sendiri salah satunya bertujuan mempelajari inti Bumi yang diduga kuat berunsur logam seperti asteroid bernama sama dengan misi itu, 16-Psyche.

Orang-orang yang Dilarang Ikut Pemilu dan Pilpres 2024

 Jakarta,PP88-- UU Pemilu mengatur larangan bagi orang dengan jabatan tertentu dilibatkan dalam Pemilu 2024 mendatang. siapa saja yang dilarang ??

Monday, November 22, 2021

Google wants its virtual assistant in every room of your house

 San Francisco (Plusminus88)Google is teasing the future it thinks you want.

Inside a beautiful multi-million-dollar house in San Francisco on Wednesday, the company set up a model smart home outfitted with every Google device and connected home gadget imaginable.
The one-day demo highlighted an assortment of new Google Assistant features coming in the weeks ahead. There are recipe recommendations on smart displays and custom alarms for children recorded by actors from popular cartoons.
    The tour was also a chance to see how Google (GOOGL) imagines people living, parenting and even sleeping surrounded by its products.
      Smart speakers have given new life to the smart home market, which was struggling to move past its early-adopter beginnings before Amazon's (AMZN) voice assistant Alexa came along. Now the major companies, including Amazon, Samsung, Apple (AAPL) and Google, are fighting to lure customers into their own ecosystems.

      The assistant personalities are different, but the applications are mostly the same.In Google's model home, most appliances are either internet-connected or plugged into a smart plug that lets you turn them on with a voice command. Communication is constant and everywhere — between rooms and family members who aren't in the house.
      A feature lets a member of the household broadcast a message to every room, such as "I'll be home in 20 minutes, start the rice maker." It'll now let the person at home reply, so it's like a phone call or text message conversation but through speakers.
      In addition, Google smart displays will now show recommended recipes based on the time of day and year. If you make a mess while cooking, just ask Google to send out the robotic vacuum.
      Parenting is the newest hot area for voice assistants, and the Google house was set up to show how it could work for a family with kids. Ask Google Assistant to read your children a bedtime story, and it can tell them stories about Dora the Explorer and PAW Patrol. If you'd prefer to read your kids a book yourself, you can ask Google Assistant to "read along" with a book it knows and it will play matching music and sound effects in the background.
      Parents are increasingly using alarms to help time kids' screen time, tooth brushing or studying. To build on this, Google Assistant is adding alarms voiced by characters from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and LEGO City. If you want to wake up your children without walking to their room, you could ask Google to turn up the lights or play music in their room while you sip coffee downstairs.
      Upstairs in the master bedroom, adults can unwind by asking Google to put their phone on silent mode. The next morning, an alarm will go off and trigger a routine, automatically starting a coffee maker near the bed and reciting the day's weather and headlines.
        Voice assistants may have started in a single room for playing music, but Google's house previews a future where almost every room has an always-listening microphone, a speaker, camera and a screen of some sort. (There was no bathroom demo on the tour, but it's safe to say they'll be there soon too.)
        The future Google is selling can seem unnecessary and sometimes pricey, but it could be incredibly convenient for a busy family. Unless the power goes out. Then they'd just have to sweep and parent on their own.

        Sunday, January 1, 2012

        Why we need Windows Phone 7

        For a slow holiday news week, there's been plenty of chatter over the last few days about Windows Phone 7.

        It all started Tuesday when several tech blogs posted editorials on why Microsoft's operating system was failing, a fact that Mobile Burn's Dan Seifert wryly pointed out on Twitter. And then, almost as if in response, a leaked memo on WMPoweruser spilled details on the next software update, the Windows Phone Marketplace hit the 50,000-app mark, and WinSupersite reported that AT&T will be the first carrier to offer LTE-enabled Windows Phone 7 devices.

        I'll spare you another musing on why I think Microsoft's operating system is failing (though I think "flailing" is better word), since I doubt that I'd have anything new to add to the discussion. By all means, stronger carrier support, more devices and apps, and faster software updates are crucial to Windows Phone 7's success. That's exactly why I hope the above rumors are true. And if you care about the future of smartphones, you should too.

        Though I played with Windows Phone 7 quite a bit shortly after the first handsets were introduced in October, 2010, I used an HTC HD7 as my primary phone for a few months last autumn to really get to know the OS. To honestly see its merits and drawbacks, I couldn't view it through iPhone or Android-tinted glasses. And, frankly, I quickly understood why it was winning a high user satisfaction rating.

        To me, Windows Phone 7 offers the best elements of both iOS and Android. The hub-based interface is clean, customizable, and completely original (I really love the notifications); you can choose from more than one handset design; updates arrive directly from Microsoft (though some also consider that a liability); there's real multitasking and great integration with apps (even if there aren't many of them), and I never had to hard reset a phone. In many ways, it's a great middle ground.

        That's why we need a third viable smartphone OS, despite what warring Android and iOS fanboys might argue. At the moment, RIM certainly isn't it up to the task and HP's sad decision to pull the plug on WebOS has left with one less viable player. So I really hope that Microsoft can step up its WP7 game and prod the iOS and Android teams to do better. Do you really think Apple and Google would continue to be as innovative if the other wasn't around? Of course not, which is why we need strong competition to continue.

        Like I've said before, we shouldn't want to live in a world with no choice in smartphones. Having just one OS would abysmal, but even two isn't enough. So in addition to actually trying to use the OS for once, I hope that knee-jerk Windows Phone 7 detractors--maybe you'll find some in the comments section for this blog--think twice before denouncing the OS as dead and dancing on its grave. Choice is fun. No choice is boring.

        Yeah, we've heard a few times now that Windows the glory days of Windows Phone 7's success are just around corner. I pretty much said as much in my 2012 CES preview, and I said it a few times last year like when Nokia announced its Microsoft partnership. Maybe it won't come at all, but with Nokia designs, LTE phones, more apps, and bigger updates coming down the road, anything is possible.

        Arab Parliament urges end to Syria monitors' mission

        An advisory body to the Arab League has called for the organisation's observers to be withdrawn from Syria because of the ongoing crackdown on protests.

        The speaker of the Arab Parliament said the monitors had to leave "considering the continued killing of innocent civilians by the Syrian regime".

        There has been no let-up in the violence since the observers started their work on Tuesday.

        Their mission is to monitor a peace plan drawn up by the Arab League.

        The Speaker of the Arab Parliament, Salem al-Diqbassi, said in a statement that the continuing repression "in the presence of Arab monitors has roused the anger of Arab people and negates the purpose of sending a fact-finding mission".

        "This is giving the Syrian regime an Arab cover for continuing its inhumane actions under the eyes and ears of the Arab League," Mr Diqbassi added.

        The parliament is an 88-member advisory committee of delegates from member states. Its recommendations are non-binding and it operates separately from the league.
        'Nothing frightening'

        Correspondents say many demonstrators are becoming frustrated at the league's inability to stop the violence.

        About 60 monitors are in the country to verify the implementation of the Arab League plan, which calls for an end to all fighting, the withdrawal of troops from the streets and the release of political prisoners.

        Although some tanks have reportedly pulled back, snipers have been visible during demonstrations and rallies.

        The Local Co-ordination Committees, a network of anti-government groups inside Syria, said at least six people had died in various parts of Syria on Sunday.

        More than 150 people have been killed since the monitors arrived in the country, according to activists. The UN says puts the number of deaths in the 10-month uprising at 5,000.

        There has also been criticism of the head of the monitoring team, Sudanese Gen Mustafa al-Dabi - who is regarded by some as biased towards the Syrian government.

        On Saturday he appeared to contradict one of his officials who was quoted as saying during a visit to the southern city of Deraa that he and other monitors had seen government snipers "with our own eyes".

        Gen Dabi later told the BBC that the observer had made no such claim and was only speaking hypothetically.

        On Thursday, after a visit to the restive northern city of Homs, Gen Dabi said that "some places looked a bit of a mess but there was nothing frightening".

        The general has held a number of senior posts in Sudan, including in the troubled Darfur region.

        The government of President Bashar al-Assad says it is fighting armed groups and that 2,000 security forces personnel have died.

        Casualty figures and other information are hard to verify as most foreign media are barred from reporting freely in Syria.

        Iran 'test-fires medium-range missile' in Gulf

        Map locator

        Iran has successfully test-fired a medium-range surface-to-air missile during military exercises in the Gulf, the official Irna news agency reports.

        Iranian naval commander, Mahmoud Mousavi, was quoted as saying the missile was equipped with the "latest technology" and "intelligent systems".

        The test comes a day after he denied earlier state media reports that Iran had test-fired long-range missiles.

        He said on Saturday missile launches would take place "in the coming days".

        Iran's 10 days of naval exercises began last week and are taking place in international waters to the east of the strategic Strait of Hormuz.

        They come at a time of increased tensions between the West and Iran over its nuclear ambitions.

        Tehran reacted angrily last week to reports that Western nations were planning to impose further sanctions targeting Iran's oil and financial sectors.

        Iran threatened to close the Strait of Hormuz, which links the Gulf - and its oil-producing states - to the Indian Ocean.

        About 20% of the world's oil passes through the narrow strait.

        The US and its allies believe Iran is trying to develop nuclear weapons - a charge Iran denies.

        Tehran insists its nuclear programme is purely for peaceful purposes. Iran has maintained that it needs nuclear technology to generate electricity to meet growing domestic demand.

        Friday, December 30, 2011

        China seeks to combat hi-tech crimewave

        The Chinese government is cracking down on home-grown cyber thieves seeking to steal online banking details.

        The crackdown combats phishing by ensuring that the websites of legitimate banks appear at the top of search results.

        The move comes as the personal details of more than 45 million Chinese people were stolen in separate attacks.

        The government is investigating the thefts and said that the wave of attacks "threatened internet safety".

        Crime spree

        The 10 biggest search engines in China have signed up to the anti-phishing scheme to ensure that users looking for bank websites go to the right place.

        Phishing attacks involve messages that look like they come from a bank or other organisation and direct people to a website that mimics the real thing.

        When people visit the fake site and enter their login details these are recorded by cyber criminals who may loot the account soon afterwards.

        By ensuring that the websites of banks appear first, the government hopes to limit the numbers of people falling for phishing scams and visiting the fake sites.

        Some of the search engines will put a special icon next to the bank links in lists of results to flag them as legitimate.

        Hacked accounts

        The anti-phishing initiative comes at the end of a week in which the personal details of almost 10% of China's 485 million web users were stolen.

        On Christmas day, the hugely popular Tianya chat site revealed that the login names and passwords from 40 million of its users had been stolen. All risk being plundered by attackers as the information was held in plain text.

        Online bank login
        Scammers regularly create fake websites that mimic those of legitimate banks

        Tianya has contacted the affected users and urged them to change their passwords as soon as possible.

        Soon after, CDSN, one of China's largest forums for programmers, reported that the details of all its six million users had been stolen. The attackers got away with email addresses, login names and passwords. Again, all the details were stored in plain text.

        The scale of the attacks prompted government action and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said it would investigate who was behind the attacks.

        "The department believes the recent leak of user information is a serious infringement of the rights of internet users and threatens internet safety," the Ministry said in a statement.

        The Chinese government is known to have put in place technology that monitors online chat rooms for controversial topics but the far-reaching measures have not stopped all nefarious cyber activity.

        As well as criminal hackers, many activists are turning to the web to make protests more visible.

        The website of Menginu, a firm at the centre of a tainted milk scandal, was vandalised and its homepage image replaced with text that read "Do you have a conscience?".

        Andrew Lloyd Webber predicts 2012 theatre 'bloodbath'

        The Olympics will cause "a bloodbath of a summer" for London theatres in 2012, Andrew Lloyd Webber has predicted.

        "Nobody's going to go to the theatre at all," the composer told Radio 4's Today programme, predicting that "most of the theatres in London will shut".

        "It's going to be very tough," he said, revealing advance bookings were "about 10%" of their normal level.

        Three major musicals, he added, "are not going to play over the Olympics" - but he would not name them.

        Lord Lloyd Webber's Really Useful Group owns seven London theatres which are currently hosting shows including War Horse, Matilda and The Wizard of Oz.

        The impresario said "big, big, big hits" like his own The Phantom of the Opera would continue during the Olympics period.

        But he said some of his other theatres "will have to" close because of a drop-off in the "ordinary West End tourist audience".

        On a brighter note, the 63-year-old said a host of new musicals would arrive in the West End after the conclusion of the 2012 games.

        Shows heading into London include a Spice Girls musical, a Bridget Jones stage show and the Tony award-winning The Book of Mormon.

        "They've never been so commercially popular," he told PM arts correspondent . "The appetite for musicals is insatiable in a way.

        "I don't think I've ever had so many musicals being offered to our theatres in London as there are for the end of next year."

        The capital's promotional organisation London and Partners added that 29 shows would be running next summer, with an "unprecedented" number booking through to the autumn.

        A spokeswoman said that a whole series of experiences would be on offer next year, including London's "world-beating theatre".

        Samsung still doMinates mobile phone market, but Apple is gaining

        Samsung is still the biggest maker of mobile phones, but Apple is gaining ground, according to data released today by market researcher ComScore.

        Samsung accounted for 25.6 percent of U.S. mobile subscribers for the three months ending November 11, a slight increase of 0.3 percent over the previous three months. While Apple came in fourth with 11.2 percent, its 1.4 percent increase was the greatest market share increase for the previous three months.

        Samsung and Apple were the only mobile phone makers in the top 5 to boost their share of the market during that period. LG came in at No. 2 with 20.5 percent of U.S. mobile subscribers, a decrease of 0.5 percent, followed by Motorola, which lost 0.3 percent to finish the period with 13.7 percent of the market.

        In the No. 5 spot, beleaguered handset maker Research In Motion logged the greatest percentage loss, dropping 0.6 percent to 6.5 percent.

        Android, meanwhile, continues to dominate the mobile OS landscape. Apple's iOS also made headway, though not at Google's expense.

        Google's mobile operating system controlled 46.9 percent of market, up 3.1 percent over the previous three months, while Apple's iOS came logged an increase of 1.4 percent to finish in second with 28.7 percent. The rest of the top 5 platforms all lost marketshare: RIM lost 3.1 percent to finish with 16.6 percent, Microsoft lost 0.5 percent to finish with 5.2 percent, and Symbian lost 0.3 percent to finish with 1.5 percent.

        Today's data does not reflect the 700,000 new Android devices Google says it is activating on a daily basis, or the 4.2 million iOS devices and about 2.6 million Android devices activated on Christmas Day.

        Pattinson inspires Australian win

        (PM88) -- Young paceman James Pattinson led the way as Australia hustled out India for just 169 to win the opening Test in Melbourne by 122 runs Thursday.

        India were left to chase 292 for victory in their second innings at the MCG, but fell well short as their highly-rated batting order collapsed on the fourth day.

        Pattinson finished with figures of four wickets for 53 and also played a crucial role with the bat as he shared a battling 43-run last wicket stand with Ben Hilfenhaus earlier in the day.

        That helped Australia to reach 240 all out, having been 27 for four wickets on the third day, and leaving the tourists with a testing target.

        Mahendra Singh Dhoni's men promptly collapsed to 81 for six wickets with Peter Siddle's dismissal of top scorer Sachin Tendulkar a body blow for the Indians.

        Still searching for his 100th international century, Tendulkar had made a battling 32 when he sliced the paceman to Mike Hussey in the gully.

        With his departure, India's hopes were effectively over and they were all out in just 47.5 overs to suffer their fifth straight Test defeat overseas after suffering a 4-0 thrashing to top-ranked England earlier this year.

        It's fantastic to get a win against India, who we love beating, and put the disappointment of the New Zealand loss in Hobart behind us
        James Pattinson

        "It's fantastic to get a win against India, who we love beating, and put the disappointment of the New Zealand loss in Hobart behind us," Pattinson said as he collected his second man-of-the-match award in his three Tests.

        "We should have been able to chase 300 with the kind of batting we've got, so another bad start to a Test series," said Dhoni.

        Australia had resumed overnight on 179 for eight wickets and quickly lost Hussey for a battling 89.

        But Pattinson, who made an undefeated 37, and Hilfenhaus (14) frustrated the Indian attack and paved the way for Australia's eventual victory.

        Hilfenhaus claimed the early wicket of the dangerous Virender Sehwag for seven, and five wickets fell for 93 in the middle session, capped by Siddle's removal of Tendulkar.

        Indian skipper Dhoni was bowled by Pattinson for 23 and Umesh Yadav was the last wicket to fall, caught superbly on the boundary by David Warner off spinner Nathan Lyon for 21.

        The second Test starts in Sydney next week.

        In other Test action Thursday, Sri Lanka wrapped up a 208-run victory over South Africa on the fourth day at Kingsmead in Durban.

        Man-of-the-match Rangana Herath took three wickets in four balls, bowling Marchant de Lange to complete his team's first Test win in 2011.

        They had lost the first match of the series by an innings and 81 runs, but set 450 to win, South Africa were always struggling.

        Herath took five wickets for 79 and nine wickets in the match, but AB de Villiers and Dale Steyn threatened to extend the Test into a fifth day with a battling seventh wicket partnership of 99.

        But when Herath trapped de Villiers for 69 it sparked a dramatic late collapse.

        Sri Lanka were all out for 279 in their second innings earlier in the day, losing their last three wickets for 23 runs. Steyn took five for 73 for his 17th five-wicket haul in Tests.

        Al Qaeda leader sends veteran jihadists to establish presence in Libya

        (PM88) -- Al Qaeda's leadership has sent experienced jihadists to Libya in an effort to build a fighting force there, according to a Libyan source briefed by Western counter-terrorism officials.

        The jihadists include one veteran fighter who had been detained in Britain on suspicion of terrorism. The source describes him as committed to al Qaeda's global cause and to attacking U.S. interests.

        The source told CNN that the al Qaeda leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri, personally dispatched the former British detainee to Libya earlier this year as the Gadhafi regime lost control of large swathes of the country.

        The man arrived in Libya in May and has since begun recruiting fighters in the eastern region of the country, near the Egyptian border. He now has some 200 fighters mobilized, the source added. Western intelligence agencies are aware of his activities, according to the source.

        Another al Qaeda operative, of dual European-Libyan nationality, was arrested in an unnamed country on his way to Libya from the Afghan-Pakistan border region.

        The individual now trying to establish a bridgehead for al Qaeda in Libya is known as "AA." His name has not been made public because of UK law on terrorist suspects who are detained but not charged.

        "AA" has been close to Ayman al-Zawahiri since the 1980s and first traveled to Afghanistan in the early 1990s to join mujahideen fighting the Soviet occupation -- as did hundreds of Arab fighters.

        "AA" later moved to the United Kingdom, where he began spreading al Qaeda's ideology to younger Muslims. He was an admirer of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who emerged as leader of al Qaeda in Iraq after the U.S. invasion and who led an especially brutal campaign that targeted civilians and promoted sectarian hatred between Sunni and Shia Muslims.

        After the terrorist attacks in London in July 2005, heightened concern about terrorist activities in the UK led to the arrest of a number of Libyans resident in England.

        "AA" was detained under what was termed a "control order," a mechanism used to detain terrorist suspects -- usually under home arrest -- without charging them. Control orders have been used in dozens of cases where the government does not want to reveal evidence in court for fear of compromising security sources. Those subject to control orders are not named by authorities.

        "AA" also spent some time in Belmarsh high-security jail in the UK in 2006-07, possibly because he was seen as a flight-risk. It is also possible, according to the source, that he was resisting legal moves to have him deported to Libya. At the time, relations between the Gadhafi regime and the United Kingdom were improving, and Libyan authorities were seeking the deportation of opponents.

        At some point the control order lapsed, and "AA" left Britain late in 2009 and went back to the Afghan-Pakistan border area -- taking two teenagers with him. One was subsequently killed.

        Western intelligence agencies have voiced concern in public and privately about the potential for Islamist extremists and especially al Qaeda to gain a foothold in Libya.

        The al Qaeda leadership has included several Libyans -- among them Atiyah Abd al-Rahman, who was killed in August, and Abu Yahya al-Libi.

        In a video message to fellow Libyans distributed on jihadist forums earlier this month, al-Libi said: "At this crossroads you have found yourselves, you either choose a secular regime that pleases the greedy crocodiles of the West and for them to use it as a means to fulfill their goals, or you take a strong position and establish the religion of Allah."

        Militant groups have long had a presence in eastern Libya, even if they were ruthlessly suppressed by the Gadhafi regime. Al Qaeda documents discovered in Iraq in 2006 showed that many of the fighters who had joined the insurgency had come from eastern Libya.

        And a U.S. diplomatic cable from 2008 -- published this year by WikiLeaks -- told of support for extremist Islamist views in the town of Derna, which is close to where "AA" has established a presence.

        Entitled "Die Hard in Derna" the cable describes the town as a "wellspring of Libyan foreign fighters" for al Qaeda in Iraq.

        The diplomat who traveled to Derna quoted a local businessman who had "likened young men in the town to Bruce Willis' character in the action picture 'Die Hard,' who stubbornly refused to die quietly. For them, resistance against coalition forces in Iraq is an important act of 'jihad' and a last act of defiance against the Gadhafi regime."

        High youth unemployment, discrimination by the Gadhafi regime and the influence of veteran Libyan jihadists from Afghanistan all played a role in radicalizing a new generation.

        "It's jihad -- it's our duty, and you're talking about people who don't have much else to be proud of," the businessman said.

        Saturday, May 14, 2011

        Ad-Aware Pro Internet Security Free

        Ad-Aware 9 Pro is a One of the first applications built to find and remove malware and spyware, . The latest version continues the publisher's tradition of adroitly addressing user concerns, yet Some annoyances Remain.

        Ad-Aware 9 Pro continues the development progress that publisher Lavasoft began in the previous version. No longer content with offering only malware protection, Ad-Aware now includes antivirus protections licensed from Sunbelt, the makers of Vipre, as well as interesting in-house improvements.

        Lavasoft first started changing Ad-Aware's protection engine more than a year ago in version 8.1, when it introduced Genotype. This heuristics-based technology identified identical snippets of code across multiple threat mutations. In version 9, Genotype receives support from what Lavasoft calls "Dedicated Detection." This tech looks inside files, analyzes the code, and creates a loose pattern for finding families of related malware. The company touts that a single dedicated detection signature can detect hundreds of thousands of threats. More importantly, Lavasoft expects that dedicated detection will lower false positive rates by creating more points of comparison.

        Ad-Aware 9 debuts new tech

        The second new engine, MagmaShield, is proactive. It emulates processor instructions, comparing approved processor-level operations against those that are undefined in the application layer. This means that it aggressively looks at how a file interacts with the CPU and uses that to call out threats faster.

        Ad-Aware 9 Pro has a fairly straightforward installation process, simple in procedure. The installer file is a small 9 MB stub that then downloads the large main file, so users who are on slower connections ought to prepare for a lengthy download wait. Ad-Aware has no toolbars and won't attempt to commandeer your default browser's search engine, an irritation that some competitors still believe in. Installing does require a reboot, which is expected for security software. The install itself was a bit slow, taking more than five minutes including the reboot, yet still noticeably faster than it used to be.

        Ad-Aware's interface hasn't changed much since version 8, which means that it's still in dire need of a refresh. The main window offers three icons that you can click on to update your virus definition files and engines, scan your system, or check your status on Ad-Watch Live, Ad-Aware's real-time protection engine. Below the main icons there's a button for updating your scan schedule and accessing support, while a toggle button to jump between simple mode and advanced mode sits in the bottom left corner of the interface. The interface's simple mode merely makes some otherwise visible options disappear, hidden behind an extra click. All but the newest of users ought to feel comfortable using Ad-Aware's "advanced" mode.

        As you can tell, it's sort of a mess, and we're not done yet. At the top right of the interface are a series of buttons that replicate the three features in the main window, as well as a fourth for accessing "extras." A Settings button sits below those four.

        Tapping the Scan button will run a full scan, and there's no way to change this behavior to Smart scan or Profile scan, the Ad-Aware term for a custom scan. Within the Scan window there are tabs near the top for jumping into the scheduler, the quarantine, and the ignore list.

        The Ad-Watch Live window will show you which kinds of real-time protection you have running. Process protection defaults to on, while File, Network, and Registry protection are available only in the Ad-Aware paid upgrade. Some competitors, such as Avast, offer all of these in their free version.

        As mentioned above, the "Dedicated Detection" and MagmaShield engines are the biggest feature improvements in Ad-Aware 9 Pro, although there's no direct interaction between them and the user. Lavasoft has tweaked the scheduler behavior a bit in version 9. Users can schedule Smart scans, Full scans, custom scans, and can set them to run daily, weekly, monthly, or at Windows startup.

        In addition to virus and malware scans, Ad-Aware 9 Pro offers a browser track sweeper. Accessible from the Extras button, it can wipe your cache, cookies, history, last-typed URLs, and tabs from Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, and Opera. The Toolbox, a second tab under Extras, contains options such as additional process-protecting features that are restricted to the paid upgrade.

        Ad-Aware has some limitations that make it hard to compare favorably to its competitors. You can't view other parts of the program while running a scan, and the scan itself lacks a progress meter or a pause button.

        Free version restrictions are largely absent in this version, so Pro users get a silent/gaming mode called "Do not disturb," advanced rootkit removal, and real-time threat blocking of blacklisted IP addresses, malicious processes, Registry changes, and malicious files. The Pro also offers a start-up process cleaner, to help your machine boot faster, and the offered support includes in-product access to the Lavasoft Support Center.

        Ad-Aware 9 Pro performed scans on a real-world computer quite slowly, taking close to 2 hours for its first Full scan. The quick, "Smart" scan took about 4 minutes, slightly slower than the quick scan under version 8.3.

        Full Labs' benchmarks benchmarks will be added to this review as they become available, as will independent third-party efficacy test results. For now, though, while Ad-Aware's new detection and prevention engines sound effective, they are largely untested in the real-world.


        Longtime fans will notice the changes to Ad-Aware, and the program continues to grow in the right direction after several missteps in recent years. However, given the gains that Ad-Aware's paid competitors have made, and at similar price points, we're hesitant to recommend Ad-Aware 9 Pro any more than we have.

        Monday, April 25, 2011

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        Advanced SystemCare V.4. Free

        Keep your computer with Advanced SystemCare Free 4 because the program's Quick Care option includes the ability to clean your Registry, perform a rudimentary malware scan, fix and remove broken shortcuts, delete junk files, and erase browsing tracks. It's no accident That to make the process even faster, with even less of a need for user input, that you cans configure it to run on system start-up.

        The Deep Care installments option adds features to the Quick Care. These include a deeper Registry clean, disk defragmenting, a "Windows vulnerability fix" and a "Passive Defense" that do not readily define what They do, and a system optimization options Optimization installments with presets. Advanced SystemCare Free has a fantastic range of features, but its Quick Care options are most transparent with how they'll affect your computer. Fortunately, the program's log records all of its activities. We'd just like to find out how a program like this is going to change our computers before it effects those changes.

        Scan times vary depending on the which will of options you choose, although Deep Care We found a scan with all the options activated is to be blazingly fast. It completed in Less than 10 minutes, the which Is not a long time for a system-invasive programs like this. Much of the performance is owed to the new scanning engine, the which up to 10 cans fix problems simultaneously. The previous version Could only handle eight.

        There are a new installments skins in version 4, along with a new performance-monitoring bar so you cans Observe and more readily gauge the program's progress. The Utilities section has been Replaced with IOBit Toolbox integration, the which is sort of confusing. Some of the options take you to the download page IOBit's programs, Such as the Disk Defragmenter options. Other choices simply open a power user's configuration window.

        One part of the program Avoid We recommend new users, or at least use with Extreme Caution: the Turbo Boost. Turbo Boost will of disabling core system services in an attempt to Accelerate your computer's performance. Some of these include Windows Update and keyboard hot keys, and We Wish That this section of the program was more explicit about how it cans affect your computer.

        To its credit, though, Advanced SystemCare Free includes a Rescue Point creation tool, so it's not hard to undo changes if you've Had the foresight to make a rescue point. A Smaller problems Is That Some of the program's options open in new windows, while others open in the Same Window. Those in the Same Window have Convenient back-navigation buttons in the upper left; those in new Sometimes windows are overlaid directly on top of the previous window and make it hard to see how to return to the previous screen.

        Overall, We like Advanced SystemCare Free's toolset, performance, and convenience, yet still wish the program was more explicit about how it changes your computer.

        To download click here :: Download Advanced SystemCare Free 4