• HAMAS dan Israel Terbuka untuk melalukan Perpanjangan Gencatan Senjata

    Gaza City - Kelompok Hamas dilaporkan terbuka untuk kembali memperpanjang gencatan senjata dengan Israel menjelang berakhirnya perpanjangan terbaru pada Jumat (1/12) pagi waktu setempat. Amerika Serikat (AS), salah satu mediator dalam kesepakatan antara Israel-Hamas, juga menyerukan agar jeda pertempuran terus berlanjut.

  • Orang-orang yang Dilarang Ikut Pemilu dan Pilpres 2024

    Jakarta,PP88-- UU Pemilu mengatur larangan bagi orang dengan jabatan tertentu dilibatkan dalam Pemilu 2024 mendatang. siapa saja yang dilarang ??

  • Tangkap Laser dari Pesawat Antariksa NASA Berjarak 16 KM

    Jakarta, PP88 -- Badan antariksa AS NASA menangkap sinyal laser yang ditembakkan dari instrumen yang diluncurkan dengan pesawat ruang angkasa Psyche, yang saat ini berada pada jarak 16 juta kilometer dari Bumi.

Monday, July 13, 2009

How you can become slim?

1. With exercise, take a special (and sometimes equipment &
Special training) and takes a while to see results.

2. Consume food / drink, p, are not always suitable for
everyone. For some people, the body would give effect
rejection, especially if the products made from materials that contain
chemical compound / non-natural materials. Please consult with a doctor expert
ybs if history has a certain disease.

3. Strict diet. You certainly do not like this way. Self-torment, it is necessary to
Cost more, and high discipline. If you are negligent, your body will
soon expand again quickly. If so, when you akan
enjoy a slim body condition of your own?

4. Operation sedot fat. Need high-cost and quite risky.

If so, then the solution for you is: Use Envy Body Slim

Envy Body Slim, clothing & health slimer body with:
- Technologies that compress the size of grain penyerap to infra red
scale 1: 1000 million, but the function of giving ganda.
- Effectiveness for up to 5 times
- Quality products assured
- Can be used anytime and anywhere
- Safe to use immediately after birth

Why Envy Body Slim? Yes, because:
- This product was teruji and in Malaysia, Singapore,
Thailand, and Brunei are now in Indonesia.
- Economically. Only pay once for up to THREE years. And
You do not need to change the size of your body stays at a more
trim from the beginning, because ...
- Envy Body Slim is very elastic and light
- Infra Red making them work for up to 5 times more effective
- Having the texture of a very soft
- You can feel the benefits in the first 14 days.
- Comfortable in use for the activities of any kind, to the office, berolah sport, to
party etc..
- No side effects
- Dipakai after giving birth?

Who should buy and wear?
* Women's work
* Surirumah
* Women after childbirth
* Teenage Girls
* Loving husband
* Women's exceeds 40 years

Envy the lingerie consists of a corset and panties, the added grain infra red to help form the body / bodies.

Is made of nylon spandex for comfort. Envy Body Slim bodice help decrease stomach and body shape. In Envy Slim pants also help decrease the stomach, lift the buttocks and thigh mengecangkan the slack.

Envy SLIM: For health and physique captivating:

* Sinar infrah Red
* Waves Effect
* Ion Titanium
* Fiber Anti bacteria

Excess Envy SLIM:

* Infra red rays have been proven to help smooth circulation of blood, excessive fat metabolism, streamline the body and feeling tired quickly, streamline the body and the feeling of tired quickly.
* Effect of wave massage magentik help let pengionan in blood, smooth circulation of blood and give you better health.
* Ion titanium help kill and prevent bacteria growth, then no longer have body odor problems.
* Fiber anti-bacteria well-designed to prevent bacterial growth. Material texture you berelastis tinggidengan anti-roll function to give a sense of comfort and lovely body.


* Burn fat at the hyperbolic
* Helps tighten pinggul
* Lift the chest and the thigh of the mengeleber / lax.
* Comfortable in use at
* Does not absorb sweat and tingle
* Assist and very suitable for women new birth.

Monday, July 6, 2009

10 Weight Loss Tips Reduce The Permanent

if you want to lose weight ?????????????
This is 10 tips to speed you lose weight.

1. Eat when you're hungry and stop when satisfied already.

2. If you are not hungry and only eat for pleasure, make sure you eat something fantastic and enjoy every chew. And you'll be surprised how quickly you should feel satisfied and stop eating.

3. Find What about you, but do not hakimi yourself.

4. Believe that you can become slim without becoming cruel against yourself.

5. Feel your emotions. If angry, sad, afraid, not afraid to eat! When you eat for emotional release you, then most likely you will experience Obesity.

6. Stop hoping things will change so you can feel better. By living your own truth, you can be happy no matter what is going on "out there."

7. Even if you think you have failed, write in the paper a list of every food that is eaten and read the list again with astonishment.

8. Sadarlah that when eating at the time you are not hungry does not satisfy hunger or make you comfortable but you only make the weight. Food is not a good source of emotional comfort, and it can not fix you.

9. Remember, the past is different from the future. Although we have many programs follow the diet. Many of us have sudh Obesity in a long period of time. This does not mean you can not lose weight. You have to do the best. And when you know better-you-do better and you look better ...

10. Do not ever give up.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Smoking hazards

Maybe you already know that cigarette smoke suck other people near you more dangerous for you than for the smokers themselves. Home is smoke smoke that cigarette terhisap directly into the lungs in smokers hembuskan again. Side is smoked cigarette smoke generated by the tip of a cigarette burn.

The problem is, the air containing cigarette smoke, and you hisap, akan distemper, because cigarette smoke contains many harmful substances-substances, including:


Contain the toxic chemicals, so the cell damage and lung cancer meyebabkan.

* Carbon monoxide (CO)

Toxic gas that can lead to reduced ability of blood to bring oxygen.

* Nicotine

One type of stimulant drugs that can damage the heart and blood circulation, make nicotine addicted users.

cigarette pouch

During the last few years, scientists have proved that the oxygen-oxygen chemical dikandung cigarette smoke can affect those who do not smoke in the surrounding areas.

Passive smokers can increase the risk of lung cancer and coronary heart. More than that suck the cigarette smoke can aggravate the condition pengidap disease:


Chest pain due to blood vessel constriction in the heart.

* Asthma

Have difficulty breathing.

* Allergies

Irritation due to cigarette smoke.

Symptoms of health disturbances:
eye irritation, headache, dizziness, sore throat, cough and shortness of breath.

Pregnant women who smoke or passive smokers, meyalurkan oxygen-toxic substances from cigarette smoke to the fetus through the dikandungnya blood circulation. Nicotine cigarettes cause heart rate increases rapidly fetus, carbon monoxide causes oxygen berkurangya received fetus.

Children of parents who smoke face more likely to suffer major chest pain, ear infections, nose and throat. And they have twice as likely to be treated in the hospital in their first year of life.

Many people know the dangers of smoking, but not many who care.

See the dangers that smoking can cause, among us it would need to help each other do three main things:

1. Communication and information about the dangers of smoking, both for the smoker directly or passive smokers.
2. Provide special places for people who are not smoking so that smokers not exposed to negative impacts.
3. Do not feel reluctant to reprimand smokers, if you feel disturbed.

Your Name Is Suspicious? Exercise Can Be Facebook Blocking Your account

To not know that, facebook requires you to use the original name when you create an account. In the past, many people are able to outsmart the rules. But now, Facebook has started to track more smart people - people who use a false name. But what happens when your name tiba2 ban on facebook by the name because you "heard" the false?
To not know that, facebook requires you to use the original name when you create an account. In the past, many people are able to outsmart the rules. But now, Facebook has started to track more smart people - people who use a false name. But what happens when your name tiba2 ban on facebook by the name because you "heard" the false?

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Two numbers on the same phone

We promised it to you last month, and here is CNET's first review of a dual SIM card cell phone. We know the Duet D888 from Beyond E-Tech is not the first dual SIM phone ever, but it is the first one we've reviewed. Even better, it is the first dual SIM card phone widely available in the United States. You can get it for $199 from National Geographic and Cellular Abroad.

With the D888, you can make calls and send texts from two numbers on the same handset. Outside of a few usability quirks, the arrangement works quite well. Believe us when we say that Duet is a pretty average phone otherwise. Call quality is decent, but the D888 feels a little cheap in the hand and it doesn't offer any outstanding features. Yet even with those caveats, the two SIM card slots are enough to warrant a look.

Get the full scoop in our Duet D888 review.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Facebook for BlackBerry 1.5 zips together contacts

With products like the Outlook add-on Xobni relying on Facebook to give Outlook contacts a Facebook face to go with the name, it was only a matter of time before a mobile app started doing the same

On Tuesday, RIM released the latest edition of Facebook for BlackBerry, version 1.5. In it, the BlackBerry-maker loads on new features to integrate your BlackBerry contact information with that contact's Facebook photo. If you choose, the app will update the existing photos in your BlackBerry contact list with your Facebook friends' profile photos, an association you can also create manually in Facebook, by clicking a friend's name. From that screen, you can request a friend's phone number, and view their BlackBerry contact information. Your friend's photo shows up in the address book along with their Facebook name. You'll still be able to click their number to call, or to utilize a shortcut to poke a buddy or open Facebook for you to draft a personal message or wall note. In addition, the new Facebook for BlackBerry will also plot birthdays and events onto your BlackBerry calendar. RIM has also integrated messages and status updates into the BlackBerry. Conversations will now show up as an IM thread in the application, aRata Penuhnd as a message in your phone's message list. We tried it out with a direct message, and minutes later the message showed up in our Message in-box, along with a cursor blinking in a blank field to facilitate a quick reply. RIM tells us in a press release that the latest update adds support for French, Italian German Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Polish, Russian, Czech, Traditional/Simplified Chinese, Japanese and Korean. Facebook for BlackBerry is available now from mobile.blackberry.com via the mobile browser or from www.blackberry.com/go/facebook from the desktop. If you can wait a day, downloading the app through the BlackBerry App World program on your phone (running version 4.2 of the operating system or higher) is the best way to get the app--if you change phones or accidentally delete the program, you'll be able to re-download it hassle-free.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

W53 SMART Monitor Series

LG Electronics (LG) launched its newest monitor, W53 SMART Monitor Series, which is based "SMART technologies." This technology is able to spoil the user's eyes. The newest feature is able to automatically adjust the room lighting so that the eye does not get tired quickly.

features that bring comfort to the eye is the Auto Brightness, and Cinema Mode.

The presence of the Auto Brightness feature allows smart monitor is automatically set to optimize brightness settings, according to light conditions indoors. This technology is also able to monitor the radiation mereduksi often make the eyes tired quickly. Result as if the eyes are pampered by a monitor.

Other unique feature is the Cinema Mode, which is the "interference" when the watch a video online. When we watch a streaming video, a monitor will automatically create a preview of a dark setting, except in the video that is being called. So as if we are witnessing screen Cinema.

This smart monitor also has a Reminder feature, which will remind us to rest on a certain interval. In addition, the W53 has a touch sensor button when setting up a monitor to be easier to find the buttons that are required, and automatic dead time is not used.

LG W53 present 18,5-27 inch in size. Monitor on the 21.5 inch offering features Full High Definition (Full HD) with a 16:9 aspect ratio. Size is promising users to enjoy movies or play games in HD format perfectly.

Monitor the smart akan start menyambangi market the United States, Europe, Asia, Middle East, Africa, and South America began in April this year.

Friday, March 27, 2009

9 ways to stop smoking

More than 20% of male and female adults in the U.S. smoke cigarettes, while more than 80% of them light up a cigarette every day. The reason why smoking has become such an issue is because the addictive effects of nicotine lead to various types of cancers, strokes, and heart attacks. As such, everyday is the RIGHT TIME to quit smoking.

The main goal of Stop-Smoking-Tips.com is to assist smokers aspiring to quit smoking and prevent smokers from having the urge to start smoking again. Once you quit smoking, you can immediately feel the health benefits of your decision within 24 hours, which could lead you to be free from smoking cigarettes forever.

The information on this website is based on evidence from research on stop smoking programs, stop smoking aids and counseling, which are aimed at helping people to quit smoking for good.

For smokers, to Stop Smoking is really a tough action to take. Majority of smokers want to quit smoking, but find it difficult to do so as nicotine is very addictive and hard to get rid off. We will teach you the easiest, most effective and systematic methods to stop smoking, which are tested by various studies worldwide. We will also provide you with a clear understanding of the dangers of smoking and the benefits of quitting smoking.

There are two factors that will determine your success in quitting smoking for good. They are;

* Will - You must have the desire to give up your habit of smoking and create a strong will to avoid a smoking relapse.
* Mindset – You must learn about the effects of smoking, understand its consequences and face the fact that you need to stop smoking and follow, finish and maintain a quit smoking plan.

The top recommended product by our readers is Smoke Deter
In Six straightforward and easy steps, you can stop smoking and live a normal and healthy life same as that of a non-smoker.

Step 1: Think About Quitting

According to a recent survey, around 15 million smokers try to quit smoking each day. However, less than 3% of these people stop smoking successfully for 3 to 12 months. If you’re thinking about quitting or have stopped smoking but failed to quit, don’t lose hope because smokers often try to quit more than once before they actually succeed.

In this section, you will learn about the history of cigarette smoking, facts about smoking, smoking cessation and benefits of quitting smoking. To give you a strong reason to quit smoking, this section will also tackle dangerous diseases – such as lung cancer, heart disease, strokes, diabetes, etc – caused by smoking cigarettes. In addition, this section will explain the reasons why it is extremely hard to quit smoking, hurdles in quitting and possible nicotine withdrawal symptoms that you may encounter throughout this process.
Step 2: Effects of Smoking

Years of clinical studies have proven that using Tobacco causes people to become sick, disabled or die. Since the first Surgeon General’s Report in 1964, over 12 million smoking-related deaths have occurred. More than 500,000 deaths in the U.S are caused from smoking-related illnesses. Adult smokers reduce their lifespan by an average of 13 to 14 years.

In this section, you will learn about the dangerous effects and health risks of smoking. You will understand the facts about smoking addiction, the hazardous effects of smoking on a pregnant woman, on passive smokers, on your facial charm, on your teeth and on your general well being. You will also learn how stress could play a role in cigarette smoking. This section also deals with the effects on secondhand smoke, effects of smoking on vitamin A and C, dangerous effects of smoking on men and women, as well as the differences between cigar and pipe smoking.
Step 3: Preparing To Quit Smoking

The first key to quitting smoking successfully is planning and preparation. You need to prepare your body and mind before actually quitting. Determine your personal goals, discover your reasons for quitting and get rid of temptations that may become a hindrance to your stop smoking program. Tobacco smoke contains nicotine, a drug that is addictive and can make it very hard, but not impossible, to quit. Similar to other substances drug abuse needs professional help, such as Rehab Programs.

In this section, you will face the facts about nicotine addiction before your last stick of cigarette. You will learn the most effective steps to be followed when planning to quit smoking. You will also find out about the real reason why it is so hard to quit smoking. To help you plan your quit smoking program, you need to confront your personal reasons to start quitting and understand what you need to do stop smoking. This section also deals with the psychological recovery stages to stop smoking and provides helpful tips to quit smoking.
Step 4: Stop Smoking Tips

Even if you have no idea where to start and what to do, you can quit smoking as long as you have the mindset and commitment to do so. Stop smoking tips can help you create a good stop smoking plan and lifestyle changes that could lead to a healthier, smoke-free life.

In this section, you will learn some of the simplest ways and useful tips to quit smoking for good. You can choose from several psychological areas that can help you to stop smoking based on your lifestyle. This section also deals with stop smoking tips that will help your loved ones quit this deadly habit and tips on how to overcome nicotine withdrawal symptoms using an effective stop smoking plan, attending support groups and establishing a smoking cessation program.
Step 5: Stop Smoking Aids

When smoking cigarettes has played a large part in your life, quitting smoking may not be that simple. Fortunately, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved seven over-the-counter stop smoking aids – five of these help in managing nicotine withdrawal symptoms, while the other two help in reducing cigarette cravings.

In this section, you will learn about different proven stop smoking methods like Water Therapy, Psychological Therapy and Nicotine Replacement Therapy. This section also deals with other useful stop smoking aids such as nicotine nasal sprays, nicotine lozenges, nicotine inhalers, nicotine patches, nicotine gum and stop smoking pills.
Step 6: Stay a Quitter

After sometime, some quitters get back to their smoking habit due to temptation and persistent nicotine carving. Some may slip and puff “just one cigarette”, while others experience total relapse. In fact, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, smokers who quit are at greater risk of relapsing in the first three months of becoming smoke-free.

In this section, you will learn effective methods in avoiding nicotine carvings, while training how to control urges through breathing exercises. To understand what you are going to experience through this process, you need to learn and manage nicotine withdrawal symptoms. This section also tackles steps to manage weight gain, discusses FAQ on common frustrations of a quitter, handle traumatic events without a cigarette and other possible solutions for ex-smokers.
Stop Smoking Products

Some people may find it difficult to quit smoking without any aids or nicotine replacements. If you’re one of them, you still have hope because there are numerous stop smoking products available in the market today to make quitting an easier journey.

In this section, you will discover the quit smoking products available in the market today, reviews of each product and ranking of the top quit smoking products. To understand what each product can do for your body, the frequently asked questions section about ‘Quit Smoking’ Products can help you understand and choose an appropriate stop smoking product for your program.
Recommended Quit Smoking Products

The following products are the best quit smoking products available in the market and have been proven to help you stop smoking forever. Do try them out and stay smoke free forever.

Nicocure - Quit Smoking in Less than 30 Days

Stop Smoking in a week 100% Guaranteed! - Stop Smoking for Life
Health Risks of Smoking

Smoking is one of the main causes of serious health diseases, such as cancer, stroke and heart problems. If you have no plans of quitting today, having knowledge of the different types of illnesses that you may experience through years of smoking may change your perception and lead you to stop smoking. Smoking may also increase your Texas Health Insurance.

In this section, you will discover how smoking affects various parts of the body including the eyes, nose, throat, lungs, heart, skin, blood, etc. Here are some possible health effects of smoking:

• Lung Cancer
• Heart Diseases
• High Blood Pressure
• Bad Breath
• Gum Disease
• Depression
• Snoring
• Diabetes
• Infertility on men and women
• Thyroid Disease
• Harmful effects on Bones and Joints

This section also includes tips for reducing the health risks of smoking like heart attacks and blood pressure as well as dangers involved in breastfeeding while smoking

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

the most secure browser "GOOGLE CRHOME"

Race to see which browser is most secure in the case of securities that have not yet ended. But it seems Google Chrome already on winning positions.
Last week, the hackers are invited to attend the CanSecWest security conference, where they ditantang to the browser - the browser have at their heart. FireFox and Internet Explorer dihack and successfully exploited the outside and in, while Apple's Safari, which are not safe is because it Safarilah the worst case after dihack.

What about Google Chrome? Google Chrome is not left out, as many hackers terintimidasi and eventually reverse, This is because Chrome does not interact directly with the OS, so that all must work extra hard to find weaknesses in the browser. They must find a weakness in the browser and "part" that does not interact with the OS.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Intel chip flaw--but what of it?

Intel chip bug? Or simply much more than you need to know? Researchers claim Intel has a serious chip bug. But that all depends.

Security experts who are into the arcana of chip security may find "CPU cache poisoning" riveting and serious stuff. Others, however, may simply scratch their heads and move on.

But let's not move on too quickly. First, a quote from an abstract of the paper that has all, uh, let me rephrase that, some of the chip world abuzz. "In this paper we have described practical exploitation of the CPU cache poisoning...This is the third attack on SMM (system management mode) memory our team has found within the last 10 months, affecting Intel-based systems. It seems that the current state of firmware security, even in case of such reputable vendors as Intel, is quite unsatisfying."

Joanna Rutkowska, who exposed the potential of the so-called Blue Pill flaw back in August of 2006 and founded Invisible Things Lab, wrote that excerpt (along with colleague Rafal Wojtczuk) and obviously takes this very seriously. As do others. Not worried yet? "This is the scariest, stealthiest, and most dangerous exploit I've seen come around since the legendary Blue Pill!," writes Jamey Heary, a Consulting Systems Engineer for Cisco Systems in a Network World blog.

So, now that we know it's scary, what can happen in a worst case scenario? This post will not presume to dive into details. Suffice to say, if a hacker can get access to "privileged" SMM memory, this would essentially allow the hacker to do anything to the target system they want, which is described in more detail here.

In response to an email query, Heary went on to say: "If a hacker can use this new exploit to embed a SMM rootkit (malware) they would have ultimate control over the box (computer). Additionally, it would be virtually undetectable," he said. But added: "In a nutshell. This exploit is very serious and needs to fixed. But...I don't see a mass virus or worm using this. The attacks will be targeted. A rootkit must be perfectly matched to the of hardware. This makes mass infection more difficult."

Rutkowska and Wojtczuk, in the abstract, say that the paper discusses "how to practically exploit this problem, showing working proof of concept codes that allow for arbitrary SMM code execution. This allows for various kind of abuses of the super-privileged SMM mode, e.g. via SMM rootkits," she writes.

Who can do this? "We assume that the attacker has (what is in practice)...equivalent to administrator privileges on the target system, and on some systems, e.g. Windows, also the ability to load and execute arbitrary kernel code," writes Rutkowska and Wojtczuk in the abstract cited above.

And what systems are potentially vulnerable? Though both Intel and Rutkowska say the "attack" presented in the paper has been fixed on some systems, Rutkowska goes on to say: "We have however found out that even the relatively new boards, e.g. Intel DQ35 are still vulnerable (the very recent Intel DQ45 doesn't seem to be vulnerable though). The exploit attached is for DQ35 board--the offsets would have to be changed to work on other boards (please do not ask how to do this)," she writes. (Here is a list of Intel motherboards she refers to.)

These motherboards are used with Core 2 Quad, Core 2 Duo, Pentium, and Celeron processors, according to Intel's Web site.

What does Intel have to say? "We are working with these researchers. We take this research and all reports seriously. Currently as far as we know, there are no known exploits in the wild," said Intel spokesman George Alfs said in a written statement.

One point worth noting is that this is not an Intel errata per se, which Intel typically details in processor specification updates. This is a theoretical attack from a malicious hacker. Nevertheless, users can minimize the risk by keeping up to date on patches and operating system and security suite updates. In particular, BIOS (Basic Input-Output System) and firmware updates for the processors and motherboards referenced above are important.

So, what is the average user to make of all of this? Security attacks and security vulnerabilities have been around since (computer) time immemorial (in the relatively brief history of mass-market computing). A report from U.K.-based technology Web site The Register in 2006, for example, suggested that people should not purchase Core 2 Duo systems (now virtually ubiquitous worldwide) because of security vulnerabilities and cited an open source expert, who prophesied doom and gloom for the Core 2 Duo architecture.

Then there's the whopper of them all. The show-stopping 1994--very different in nature from the SMM vulnerability discussed above-- Intel FDIV bug, discovered by Professor Thomas Nicely, then at Lynchburg College in Virginia. Also referred to as the floating point bug, it wasn't a flaw exploitable by malicious hackers, rather, it was a bug in Intel's original Pentium floating point unit. Certain arcane floating point division operations done on these processors would generate incorrect results.

This bug, covered prominently by The New York Times and CNN at the time, actually had virtually no affect on users, except causing them to panic and, as a consequence, some insisted that Intel provide them with new processors. The recall cost Intel close to half a billion dollars.

Rogue antivirus software pays off for scammers

Online scammers are making a lucrative business out of redirecting visitors from legitimate Web sites to sites that try install rogue antivirus software, according to a report due to be released by security firm Finjan on Monday.

Finjan's Malicious Code Research Center came across a traffic management server in Ukraine used by underground online scammers to keep track of how many redirects their rogue antivirus sites get from legitimate sites that have been compromised.

Typically, rogue antivirus software displays a message saying that the PC is infected and offering antivirus software for sale. In a successful attack, the scammers end up with the victim's credit card information and don't bother to install any legitimate software.

Members of the "affiliate network" who compromise legitimate Web sites get 9.6 cents for each successful re-direct, Finjan said in its latest Cybercrime Intelligence Report. There were 1.8 million unique users redirected to the rogue antivirus software during 16 consecutive days Finjan was monitoring the network, or about $10,800 for each day, the researchers calculated.

Finjan also discovered that between 7 percent and 12 percent of people end up installing the rogue antivirus software and 1.79 percent of them paid $50 for it.

Finjan researchers said they weren't certain how the legitimate Web sites were compromised. Once the sites were compromised, the scammers made heavy use of search engine optimization techniques to get those sites ranked high in search results by dynamically generating search keywords with typos and popular terms that people might use, Finjan said.

Lured by the high ranking on search engines, visitors end up on the compromised sites and are immediately redirected to pages that try to install rogue antivirus software on their computers.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


3G technology gives iPhone fast access to the Internet and email over cellular networks around the world. iPhone 3G also makes it possible to do more in more places: Surf the web, download email, get directions, and watch video — even while you’re on a call.

Downloading lonelyplanet.com:

iPhone over EDGE
48 seconds
iPhone over 3G
20 seconds
Faster by
2.4 times

How it works.

iPhone 3G uses a technology protocol called HSDPA (High-Speed Downlink Packet Access) to download data fast over UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System) networks. Email attachments and web pages load twice as fast on 3G networks as on 2G EDGE networks.1 And since iPhone 3G seamlessly switches between EDGE, faster 3G, and even faster Wi-Fi, you always get the best speeds possible.

Talk and browse. At the same time.

iPhone already gives you mobile multitasking. But 3G technology lets you multitask in more places — without connecting via Wi-Fi. Since 3G networks enable simultaneous data and voice, you can talk on the phone while surfing the web, checking email, or using Maps. All from your 3G cellular network.

Go anywhere.

iPhone 3G meets worldwide standards for cellular communications, so you can make calls and surf the web from practically anywhere on the planet. And if you’re in an area without a 3G network, iPhone connects you via GSM for calls and EDGE for data.

More wireless. Less space.

iPhone 3G delivers UMTS, HSDPA, GSM, Wi-Fi, EDGE, GPS, and Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR in one compact device — using only two antennas. Clever iPhone engineering integrates those antennas into a few unexpected places: the metal ring around the camera, the audio jack, the metal screen bezel, and the iPhone circuitry itself. And intelligent iPhone power management technology gives you up to 5 hours of talk time over 3G networks.2 That’s some of the best in the business

Thursday, March 19, 2009

new computer virus "APRIL MOP"

April MOP? Hopefully so. However, according to Computer Associates (CA), on 1 April future, suspected that day will be spread new variants of the worm Conficker (Downadup), ie the Win32/Conficker.C, m mass-produce each day's target of up to 50,000 URLs.
According to the CA, compared to two previous vresi worm, Conficker. C is highly increased in menyusupi how computer users. CA said, this latest version throw off some of the functionality distribution, but probably will not trigger a reaction from the security software because it menjegal tool used to monitor and remove Conficker of systems infected. The dijegal for example, is ProcessExplorer.

This payload is not directly damage the file, but the worm was set to act in the future. He will modify and lower Windows security settings, remove the system restore points, turn off services such as Windows Defender and the Error Reporting Service, kill 23 security-related services, to block access to 71 Web site developer software security and be ready download arbitrary files from a number of sites Web.

According to CA, Conficker.C will try to access the URL of 50,000 each day. Therefore you are advised to update your security software before the worm becomes active.

Microsoft set to unleash Internet Explorer 8

Aiming to better compete against a growing list of rivals, Microsoft on Thursday is launching Internet Explorer 8, the latest version of its Web browser.
Click for gallery

IE 8, as the browser is known, was first shown a year ago and has been in testing for months. The new browser adds security improvements, a private browsing option, as well as the ability to save pre-defined "slices" of a Web page for at-a-glance viewing.

But perhaps the biggest change in the browser is one made behind the scenes--the decision to make the browser better adhere to Web standards. That should make life easier for Web developers in the future, but also poses compatibility challenges for sites that are optimized specifically for older versions of IE. In part to address this, Microsoft has a "compatibility" mode that lets Web sites indicate if they would prefer to be run by an engine that is more like older versions of the browser.

As expected, Microsoft is using the Mix 09 conference for Web developers as the launchpad for IE 8.

The release of IE 8 comes as Microsoft has been losing share to leading rival Firefox and also seeing stepped-up competition from Google and Apple, among others. The global market share of Internet Explorer, which was more than 90 percent in 2004, ended last year at just above 70 percent, according to Net Applications.

Both Google and Apple have been touting the performance of their new JavaScript engines, but Microsoft has sought to downplay speed concerns. The company last week released a video it says shows that, in many cases, IE 8 is just as fast as other browsers in loading popular Web sites.

"In most cases the difference could literally be measured by a blink of an eye," said Microsoft Senior Director Amy Barzdukas. "That kind of speed becomes almost a push."

Despite IE's waning share, the European Union has said it is considering sanctioning Microsoft for bundling a Web browser into its operating system in the first place, a move that it says appears to violate its antitrust laws.

As for IE 8, Microsoft will make it available for download beginning at 9 a.m. PDT on Thursday, but will wait a while before it begins to push it to Windows users who have their computers set to get the latest updates automatically.

A version of Internet Explorer 8 will also be built into Windows 7, though it is one of many Windows components that users will be able to turn off if they wish.

As for the future, Microsoft isn't saying much about its browser plans, but corporate vice president Mike Nash did seek to quash speculation that IE 8 will be the end of the road.

"I can't say what it will be called," he said of the next version of the browser. "But we're not done."

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Microsoft, researcher spar over security patch

Microsoft has released a patch for the hole in 2000 and Windows Server 2003 and 2008 that could allow an attacker to redirect network traffic to a malicious site that has been set to act as a proxy.

Vulnerability, the value of critical by Microsoft, allows IT managers to set the Windows Proxy Auto-Discovery, or WPAD, entry in DNS. If IE or Firefox is configured to automatically detect settings, "the browser will be connected to a computer proxy.

This is a useful feature for companies that want to set their own proxy servers and to monitor employees' Web use for security purposes. But also can be used for a man-in-the-middle type of attack if the outside is able to set the WPAD entry through dynamic DNS update so that traffic is diverted to the IP address dangerous.

The patch solves the problem for systems without a WPAD entry in DNS, by request to block the WPAD for the future. But for the WPAD entry system, the patch did not do anything.

IT managers who install the patch can provide a false sense of security that compromised the system has been set, "said Tyler Reguly, the security research engineer at nCircle, who contacted Microsoft and write a blog post about his concerns with the same night that Microsoft released the update.

In a blog post the next day, Reguly said a Microsoft representative to select him to leave the companies that have touched the WPAD entry is not possible to distinguish legitimate WPAD entries from that taken by an attacker.

But at least Microsoft could have included a pop-up message in the example, the user has a warning that the WPAD DNS entry, and even ask if they want to save or block it, Reguly said.

"I understand the need to maintain the function, but not at the cost of sweeping security issues under the rug," he wrote.

Answers to this problem, Microsoft issued a more detailed technical note on the update on Friday said that the company will not interfere with the function and choose not to violate any risk administrator configuration on the likelihood that the WPAD is not valid, even if it means that an attack will continue to apply.

"This scenario is not a security update, or security update released by Microsoft aims to address," said Microsoft notes. "Security update is intended to help protect the system against the exploitation of the future, and does not aim to cancel any of the attacks have occurred in the past."

Notes and then give instructions for how an administrator can validate the IP address assigned to the WPAD entry in DNS.

In an interview on Friday, Reguly still disappointed with Microsoft and implemented to correct the problem.

"They can be done to reduce the things the fact that they prefer the security function," he said. "They can also change DNS so that you can not update the WPAD dynamic."

Friday, March 13, 2009

How to Caring Hair

1. Wash hair at least 4 times a week.
Rajinlah washing hair rambutmu that remain clean and not drenched. Avoid washing hair too often, for example every day, because this will make your hair dry.

2. Avoid electronic (equipment that uses electricity).
For example, hairdryer, hair clamp, etc.. As much as possible do not use it too often because the electronics that use electricity will damage the hair. Use only if trapped in a situation or may be used occasionally for example at the time to party.

3. Creambath once a week.
Creambath will make the hair becomes more supple, soft, easy to set creambath and will also stimulate hair growth. Try creambath once a week.

4. Avoid chemicals.
As we do, is interested in the natural colors of hair and hair model in accordance with the trend. In fact, I can almost once a month we ngerubah hair color. So also with the model's hair. Keritingan the start destroyed, will certainly make us restless. It is a course we have to do is curl our hair back. So also with the streamlining. If we feel we have the hair curls maize due to begin straightening / hair that long, we will make hair back so that our hair still looks fresh. Without all of that can be harmful to our hair. So I suggested, it is your natural hair beautifully. What is given by God is the most beautiful of all. But if it is terlanjur, I still have ways to improve it.

5. Use a hair vitamin.
If you fall off the hair, use a vitamin tonic or hair growth that can inflame the hair back. This vitamin is also useful for melembapkan hair dry and improve the structure of damaged hair due to chemicals such as cat hair, curling, straightening, etc..

6. Cut the tip of the hair once a month.
The ends of the hair is broken in pieces should be cut so the hair stays beautiful. Besides, this also merupaka one way to the red end of the hair due to damage. This way, hair growth will not be obstructed.

7. Pemijatan do with Aloe Vera.
Aloe Vera aloe vera or terbukti can enrich and strengthen the hair roots. To you the hair fall out, do pemijatan with aloe vera extract once a week. Diamkan few minutes, then Rinse with warm water.

8. Do not tie the hair while sleeping.
Let your hair tergerai during sleep. This will provide the tranquility of hair. Biar ga hair taut gitu loh ...

9. Do not binding hair too tight.
If we tie the hair with the use of rubber, do not let the rubber is too tight binding our hair. This will prevent the hair to be broken-broken (especially fragile hair) and reduce the tension on the hair.

10. Do not mutually shampoo.
This can make the hair so we ketombean lho ...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Processor Intel® Core™ i7

Brilliantly fast
With faster, intelligent, multi-core technology that applies processing power where it's needed most, new Intel® Core™ i7 processors deliver an incredible breakthrough in PC performance. They are the best desktop processors on the planet.¹

You'll multitask applications faster and unleash incredible digital media creation. And you'll experience maximum performance for everything you do, thanks to the combination of Intel® Turbo Boost technology² and Intel® Hyper-Threading technology (Intel® HT technology)³, which maximizes performance to match your workload

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Nokia has been Prepare 4g technology?

eNokia plans touchscren will release a new device for Verizon Wireless, 4g wireless network that will be launched starting in 2010. Verizon Wireless has join the European carrier Vodafone and Verizon Communications, has announced a month ago by the GSMA Mobile World Congress, which will introduce 4g network that uses technology called LTE (Long Term Evolution).

According to the quoted from the Street.com, the agreement between Nokia and Verizon is very exclusive. Nokia will develop a plan to LTE with WiMAX standard 4g. In a conference in Texas last week, Nokia executives said that the government is planning to have LTE in early 2010.

"All the existing agreement has been well documented and Verizon LTE intend to spread in the USA and outside USA for five years, and Nokia gave 'power' to Verizon over their decision. While we will not develop the device 4g touchscreen that's exclusive, but we will still continue to strive for the development of devices 4g land new business. "Nokia said parties.

However, Verizon's own party have not mengkomentari statement is Nokia.

NASA Ready to Launch Space telescope

NASA has launched a new space telescope that is ready to investigate the universe with "gamma-ray lens" (gamma-ray glasses).
Telescopes that have given the name Glast mission to monitor the events that emit intensive masif amount of energy in the form of gamma rays.

In addition, this telescope will also attempt to explore new forms of physics to find the dots of light from the nature of the dark up 22% of the universe.

This telescope will scan the sky for cosmic explosion explosion-like black holes that attract large objects across the room, and a solid netron stars emit strong magnit field.

Glast will be launched from the space stasion Cape Canaveral in Florida on Thursday at 1545 hrs GMT using the Delta II rocket.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Intel Core i7 920

When Intel announced its awesome new Core i7 quad-core processor, we were sure it would be priced out of reach of mere mortals.

After all, in raw performance terms this CPU architecture has no equals. Surely Intel can name its price?

It came as a pleasant surprise when we discovered the 2.66GHz 920 model would retail at under £250. OK, that's a lot of cash, but given that this chip outperforms the £1,000 Core 2 Extreme QX9770 in most benchmarks and beats AMD's Phenom II hands down, you could almost call it a bargain.

The catch? You'll need a new mobo and probably some DDR3 memory costing a grand total of £400. An awesome performer and deeply desirable. Just don't be fooled by the superficially attractive price…

Sky Player TV to stream Sky Movies live

Satellite provider's on-demand service just got better
Sky announced it is to expand its Sky Player TV service, with six new live channels – including Sky Movies Screen 1 and 2.

This means that anyone who has signed up to the service can watch movies from the comfort of their laptop anywhere they want – as long as there's a web connection.

Choice and control

Other channels that the Satellite provider is to stream live are Nat Geo Wild, Eden, G.O.L.D. and Sky Real Lives. Sky has said that the addition of this new content "strengthens its position as the natural destination for online viewing".

Speaking about the Sky Player TV expansion, Griff Parry, Sky's Director of On-demand, said: "At Sky, viewers come first, whether they watch live or on-demand, via their TV or online.

"The continued expansion of Sky Player puts choice and control over what and how to watch, firmly in people's hands; whether they're already familiar with Sky TV or just want to watch the content we offer online."

Live catch

There is a catch: only new subscribers will be able to view Sky Movies Screen 1 and 2 as 'live channels' online. Defending its decision, Sky argues that: "Sky Player already makes over 500 movie titles available to Sky Movies [existing] subscribers to view at any time for free."

Friday, March 6, 2009

Panda Antivirus Pro 2009

Install it and forget about viruses, spyware and hackers.

Panda Antivirus Pro 2009 is the easiest-to-use and most intuitive protection for your computer. Just install it and forget about viruses, spyware, rootkits, hackers, online fraud and identity theft. Chat, share photos and videos, bank and buy online, read your favorite blogs or simply surf the Web, with complete peace of mind. And thanks to the new Collective Intelligence technology, the solution is now much faster than previous versions.

Internet Security 2009 "PANDA"

Maximum protection against all kinds of Internet threats.

Panda Internet Security 2009 is a security suite that lets you use the Internet with complete peace of mind. It protects you from viruses, spyware, rootkits, hackers, online fraud, identity theft and all other Internet threats. The anti-spam engine will keep your inbox free from junk mail while the Parental Control feature ensures your children can use the Web safely. And thanks to the new Collective Intelligence technology, the solution is now much faster than previous versions.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sony 2009 line show: Complete coverage

companies Most use the January Consumer Electronics Show to show the world their product lineup for the new year. But Sony deliberately holds back on its CES announcements; that's because the company waits about eight weeks before returning to Las Vegas to have its own Sony-centric launch event, where it touts its new products for dealers, retailers, and journalists.

Here are the highlights of the company's new March announcements. We've also included the CES product highlights, to give you an overview of Sony's complete 2009 lineup:

Home Theater

New 2009 Sony AV receivers: Here comes the gloss

Sony dishes out three five-disc DVD home theater in a box systems

Sony slims component home theater system

Sony lowers price on Blu-ray home theater systems

Sony unveils HT-CT500 soundbar/subwoofer combo

ony's BDP-S560 Blu-ray player goes wireless


Sony wings 'W' LCDs with Yahoo widgetsEco-friendly

Sony HDTVs sense your presence (CES)

Sony's Z-series of LCDs gets widgets, 240Hz (CES)

Sony XBR9 HDTVs up interactive ante with widgets (CES)

Photos: Sony 2009 HDTVs (CES)

Cameras and Camcorders

Sony shows speedy CMOS superzoom

Sony's first to market with GPS-enabled, back-illuminated CMOS camcorder (CES)

Sony's spring camcorders: Changes at the extremes (CES)Does

Sony DSC-G3 camera get wireless right? (CES)

Not dead yet: Sony rolls out two DVD-based Handycams (CES)

Sony's new Flash-based Handycam puts an HD camcorder in your pocket (CES)

Sony takes on Flip Video, in Technicolor (CES)

Sony offers up Web camcorder with 5X zoom (CES)

Sony evolves its AVCHD hard-disk camcorders (CES)

Portable Audio

Sony updates EX headphone lineup

Sony boombox mistaken for magic toadstool

Sony Dream Machine for cheap, humble dreams

Sony confirms touch-screen X-Series Walkman (CES)

Sony W-Series Walkman: Wearable and wireless (CES)

Car Tech

Sony expands Xplod line of in-dash receivers (CES)

Microsoft says research budget may create new jobs

Microsoft may create up to 3,000 jobs as it raises investment in research and development by $1 billion this year, its chief operating officer said Tuesday.

"Realignment of the company will help us reassign people and could allow us to create some 2,000 to 3,000 new jobs," Kevin Turner said here at CeBit, Europe's biggest technology trade fair.

Turner said while Microsoft was eliminating jobs in some areas, new opportunities would arise at the same time. He reiterated that Microsoft, under pressure to trim costs amid a global recession, would stick to its research budget this year.

"We will invest a record $9 billion in R&D...spend a billion more than last year," Turner said, adding Internet-based applications--so called cloud computing--would be a major field for Microsoft's investment.

The current macroeconomic climate was the most challenging most people had ever seen in their lifetime, Turner said.

"We believe while this may be a once in a lifetime event it may also be a once in a lifetime opportunity to create new business models," Turner said.

Change the way your Windows XP, Windows 7 Becoming a glance

May be bored with the look of Windows XP on your screen, you want to upgrade to Windows 7 but serasa lazy, because it is still beta and Windows Visa also can not be expected. Software niwradsoft Using this you can change the look of Windows XP so that you like Windows 7. Software Niwradsoft Seven Remix XP is a free software that can change the entire look into your OS is similar to the Windows 7.
Both of the boot screen, logon screen, screensaver, theme system, and so forth. Can be found here Installer is designed to work in OS below: - Windows XP (Home, Pro, RTM, SP1, SP2, SP3, Corporate) - Windows 2003 (Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter, Web, RTM, SP1) - Windows Media Center Edition (2003, 2004, 2005) - Windows XP Tablet PC Edition - All Language Versions - Does NOT work with 64 bit versions of Windows! You can also add a function - the function of the other 7 Shake like Aero, Aero and Aero Snap peek. It seems the upgrade to Windows 7 is not required:

Friday, February 27, 2009

Company Mascoma makes ethanol from wood--at small scale

Mascoma said on Wednesday that a demonstration facility is making ethanol from wood chips and other non-food sources, bringing cellulosic ethanol a step closer to commercialization.

The test facility in Rome, N.Y., uses different feedstocks, including wood and grasses. Production is at a rate of 200,000 gallons per year. Mascoma didn't disclose the yield, or how much biomass is converted into fuel.

The company is testing two methods for making ethanol: a traditional enzyme-based process and one using a genetically modified microbe designed to make the conversion cheaper.

Mascoma is one of a handful of upstart companies developing different technologies to convert wood chips and other non-food biomass into ethanol, which is an additive to gasoline.

Because of the economy and disrupted financial markets, non-government funding for cellulosic ethanol pilot facilities has become harder.

At the upstate New York facility, Mascoma said that it is benefiting from state grants aimed at promoting renewable energy businesses.

Software Anti-Maling who can 'yell'

In San Francisco - Laptops are often incaran into the hands of the cruel thief who want to 'memetiknya' from the hands of the owner. Some laptop manufacturers have been working to develop a system security anti-thief, but not rare that many users still lose laptopnya.

Company software developers Front Door Software exclude the application of anti-thief who is able to 'shout' if the owner of stolen laptop thief.

As dilansir Chosun.com, Friday (27/2/2009), the software is capable Retriever named yelling please ask if the thief enter the wrong password the laptop dicurinya. 'Help, this laptop is reported lost or stolen,' if that's the sound of laptop thieves failed to enter a keyword.

Not only that, the laptop monitor will display the original owner of the information every 30 seconds while you continue to give a warning cry. In addition, if the laptop has been 'shouting' and turn on, laptop will automatically search for Wi-Fi network to provide information about the existence of the laptop to the Front Door site. Laptop owner can then check the location of a stolen laptop on the site.

Laptop theft is a problem for the United States. Dell estimated that 12,000 laptops lost as much in the airport each year.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Five outdoor toy ideas just in time for spring.

Is in the house hold that the boried. Unpack the toys outside, out of camping gear, interact with the bird feeders, it will not make you boring.because spring in the air and now it's time to get outside! After a long time cooped up in the cold winter, we can all do with a little vitamin D and a good long stretch and there's no better way to do this than have some fun in the sun.

Do you see a collection of toys outside a little lackluster? You're in luck, because we have compiled a list of ten fun outdoor toys for the imagination going. These include:

1. Trampolines. Trampoline ever since the first time introduced to a global audience by the creator, George Nissen and Larry Griswold back in 1934, children and adults alike have fun, enjoy the day off. Originally designed as a tool for training gymnasts and tumblers, the pair soon realized the trampoline outside the commercial value as a toy and begin marketing as such. And best of all - no need to dig a huge hole in the back. Toy store is now the most dependable carry trampolines that can be folded for easy storage when not in use.

2. Skates, skateboards and rollerblades. Skating is a way to stimulate hand-eye coordination and children to enjoy the boot. This fun outdoor toys that come in a variety of colors and styles, so that around until you find a pair your child will enjoy.

3. Play center. Adored by preschool crowd, the center also plays a lot of ways to keep the back neat. Having a large number of separate toys lying around can quickly get messy, that is why the central wonderful toys like the idea - it combines a variety of toys without taking up too much space. A useful tip: Little Tikes outdoor toys have a great variety of play centers, including the Up 'n Slide Castle, and the Turtle Sandbox cute. The latter even comes with a cover that can be closed so that the sand does not get wet in the event of April showers.

4. Balls, bats and Frisbees. Head down to the beach? Do not forget the beach bats! And what about the Frisbee to keep young children busy while you catch up on the tan? Frisbee is no longer a predictable, repetitive game either. Add a little excitement to your game with the Nite Ize FlashFlight Blue LED Frisbee. This toy offers a fun outdoor LED lighting and it is waterproof, so it is suitable for a pool game.

5. Fort building materials. There is nothing like a big, big DIY project interesting with the family, so why not build a tree house this summer? Pick out a nice sturdy tree, get the plan off the internet and the famous uncle Bob. Fortunate enough not have a lot of big trees in your yard? Then just build a fortress. The material will be useful, including rope, glue the cold, hard board / chip board, plastic sheeting, water soluble paint and PVA staple gun. (Please note that the use of weapons that must be subject always supervised by adults who are responsible.)

And there you have it - some ideas that need to spice up your collection of outdoor toys in time at all. What are you waiting for? Make a list and go to buy toys that are now outside fun!

How to Get a Good Deal for the Used Car

If you are in the market to buy a used car, it is important to try to get the best price possible. Many people do not realize that they can negotiate with the former car salesman, so they only pay the price requested. But you can really save you hundreds of dollars just by using these simple tactics.

First, realize that the price you see on the sticker is rarely set in stone. Most of the time you will be able to negotiate for better prices. Used car business is very competitive, and they will often negotiate with you to ensure they get your business.
How to Get a Good Deal on Used Car
Never act like you like the car as much as you really do. You should not act nonchalant, like you're not completely sure the car is right for you. Once they know you really like a car, they will not be willing to negotiate as.

Be sure to point out any flaws you see in the vehicle. As in the cat scratches, cigarette burns in the upholstery, stains on the carpet, and rust should be mentioned. Things you can do so that they know the car is not as good as they say, he will show them you know what you do.

Preparing yourself before you enter negotiations. If you need to, tell them your sales people will come back another time. You can go home and find out the Kelley Blue Book value of the car you want to buy, and then you will be more ready to negotiate for the price accordingly.

If you can not find much information about the car you are interested to buy, you can visit the forum and ask about the car. People are the most car forum is very knowledgeable, and usually will be able to give advice. They are experienced enough with the car theme, and helpful people.

The more information you, it will be easy for you to negotiate the best price for your car. Being prepared you can save several hundred dollars off the price, and it only takes a minimum amount of time to research the model.

Perhaps the most important thing you can do when negotiating the price of new cars will be ready to walk. Not so much fall in love with a car that can not run if the sales person refuses to negotiate on price.

Most of the time, just threatening to leave will cause sales people to rethink the situation. Sometimes you can really should start running if they will not work with you. And remember, if you can not talk to them in your work at all, there are more used car dealerships in your area who will be thrilled to your business.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

U.S. Help Prepare for Rp1 Trillion Over Gaza

Jerusalem - United States will provide funds of USD900 million ataus as much Rp1 trillion more for reconstruction in the Gaza Strip due to the attack destroyed three more weekends of Israel.

According to the plan the Minister of Foreign Affairs Hillary Clinton will deliver the plan of assistance for the international conference in Gaza in Cairo Egypt, March 2.

Israel and Palestinian officials on Monday said yesterday, Hillary will be the edges of the West and Israel after attending the conference.

A U.S. government official who refused his name mentioned as quoted Associated Press, Tuesday (24/2/2009) states, Barack Obama set up the government funds up to USD900 million for humanitarian assistance and reconstruction. Funds will be channeled melalaui Palestinian Authority government led by Mahmoud Abbas.

Officials said that, the number still has not been ascertained, but in the range of USD900 million.

Microsoft backtracks on severance issue

Microsoft in the middle of lye waves criticism, Microsoft backtracking on the decision to ask the laid off workers to pay back the money that the software maker said the plan was less than the cutting.

View results

Over the weekend, Microsoft confirmed it is cutting to some underpaid workers and others. At that time, the company did not say how much money is involved, but that the workers sent a letter of claim they will be required to pay back the excess money from them because of the cutting.

On Monday, Microsoft HR chief Lisa Brummel said the company is reversing course.

"I thought it was not reasonable for us to continue on the road at us," he told CNET News. Twenty-five workers and about 20 more underpaid, Microsoft said.

Brummel said that he had spoken or left a message to those who are most affected.

Brummel said the more received, on average, about $ 4000 or $ 5000 in extra pay.

"I have now called 22 of 25 employees affected, not only because I have time for three but I will hang up after us," said Brummel.

In general, said Brummel reasonable for companies to get money back if you make an accounting mistake, but he recognizes the extraordinary situation that is one. Brummel said the company was more at one point during her long tenure.

"This really happened to me and I write a company check," he said. "It may happen to other people."

Later on Monday Microsoft issued the following statement about this:

Last week, 25 former employees of Microsoft has been informed that they are as part of their cutting payments from the company. This is a mistake to us. We must handle this situation in a more tactful way. We will reach those who are affected to relay that we will not ask for payment from the individual.

Microsoft also said that the company is immediately reimbursing employees underpaid.

Java Jazz 2009

the open-open the site www.javajazzfestival.com that there are some artists who already menkonfirmasi to play in the 2009 Java Jazz artist-arstisnya is as follows:
Eliane Elias, Howard Hewitt, Kurt Rosenwinkel, Tom Scott & Paulette Mc Williams, Wynton Marsalis & Lincoln Jazz Orchestra.
Wow .. kurt rosenwinkel .. hmmmm rosenwinkel Kurt is a young talented guitarist who again talked-about of late, of course, attendance at the 2009 Java Jazz is an excitement for lovers of Jazz India, besides gold also appear wynton .. :) Wynton Marsalis is a jazz legend, trumpeter and composer of the era's leading modern jazz kehdairannya certainly hope we are ..

addition, they also show the names of the artists who have not provided confirmation on the attendance at the 2009 Java Jazz. Artisnya name is:

B B King
Brad Mehldau Trio
Brandford Marsalis
Chick Corea
Diana Krall
Ed Motta
George Michael
Harry Connick
Ivan lins
John Mc Laughlin
John Meyer
Larry Clothier
Lonnie Smith
Michael Bolton
Michael Buble
Michael Camilo
Michael Franks
Pat Metheny
Peabo Bryson
Pharaoh Sanders
Randy Brecker
Regina Carter
Roberta Gambarini
Roy Ayers
Roy Hargrove
Swing Out Sister
Toots Thielemans

Nah lo .. Pingin anyone watching you ..
let us all hope that they can appear, hehe:)

Election President and Vice President of Indonesia 2009

On 9 April 2009, Election of Vice President and President of Indonesia will be held, in this election to choose the pair hold the President and Vice President of Indonesia 2009-2014 period. Election is the second time held in Indonesia.

The candidates the President and Vice President proposed by political parties or a combination of the political party General Elections Member of the Board of Representatives in 2009. The candidates the President and Vice President who have a voice of more than 50% of the vote in the general election with at least 20% vote in each province in which more than half the number of provinces in Indonesia, to be appointed President and Vice President. If the candidates do not have the President and the Vice President is selected, two of the candidates get most votes in the first and second general election are chosen by the people directly and get the sound that most people appointed as President and Vice President.

Candidates for President will

Some figures have been announced will be put up or receive the nomination in 2009, including:

* Former President Abdurrahman Wahid [2]
* Former Chairman of the House of Representatives Akbar Tandjung [3]
* Former President Megawati Soekarnoputri [4]
* Executive Director of Freedom Institute Rizal Mallarangeng [5] [6]
* President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. [7]
* Former Governor of DKI Jakarta Sutiyoso. [8]
* Former Minister of State Secretary Yusril Ihza Mahendra [9]

Figures which had put up the possibility, among others,

* Governor of Yogyakarta Hamengkubuwono X. [10]
* Vice President Jusuf Kalla. [11]
* The former Kostrad Prabowo Subianto, [12]

Other figures who have seen opportunities in the presidential election, among others,

* The former Army National Indonesia / Panglima ABRI Wiranto. [13]


* Health announced that a national study by Center for Democracy and Human Rights (Pusdeham) in November 2007 (the number of respondents = 3527) shows 17.1% of respondents support Hamengkubuwono X; Chairman of the MPR Hidayat Nur Wahid 11.7%; Chairman of the Public PAN Sutrisno Bachir 8.7%; Yusril Ihza Mahendra 8.6% and 3.9% Anas Urbaningrum. [14]
* Surveys the national barometer announced by Indo in December 2007 (n = 1200) shows 49.5% of respondents would support Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in the 2009 election, Joseph Kalla supported 21.7%, and Hamengkubuwono X get 14.7%. [15 ]
* Surveys conducted by national institutions Surveys Indonesia in January 2008 (n = 1200) shows the name of 20 candidates, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono supported by 34%, Megawati's 24.2%, Sri Sultan 6.6%, Gus Dur 4.4%, 4.1% Wiranto Amien Rais 3 %, and Jusuf Kalla 1.9%. [16] [17]


1. ^ Numbers Susilo Keeps stable in Indonesia. Angus Reid Global Monitor. Accessed on 2008-02-10
2. ^ "Gus Dur Bersedia nominated in the 2009 Election", KOMPAS, 2007-12-30. Accessed on 2008-01-16.
3. ^ "Akbar Tanjung ready to join next year` s presidential election, "ANTARA, 2008-05-25. Accessed on 2008-05-27.
4. ^ "Former president Megawati announces re-election bid", ABC, 2007-09-13. Accessed on 2008-01-16.
5. ^ Rizal Mallarangeng. Facebook. Accessed on July 18
6. ^ "Rizal Mallarangeng for President", Sumbawanews.com, 2008-07-12. Accessed on 2008-07-18.
7. ^ "President SBY More Ready to fight in 2009", Kompas, 2008-09-28. Accessed on 2008-10-02.
8. ^ "If Sutiyoso potential for Cawapres Choose carefully," Suara Merdeka, 2007-10-02. Accessed on 2008-01-16.
9. ^ Asrul, "Yusril Mantap Be President Candidate 2009", Kompas TV, 2008-03-02. Accessed on 2008-05-27.
10. ^ "Indonesian sultan to run for president," the Sydney Morning Herald, 2008-01-16. Accessed on 2008-01-16.
11. ^ "SBY JK undisturbed so desire Capres", Suara Merdeka, 2007-10-03. Accessed on 2008-01-16.
12. ^ Http://www.detiknews.com/read/2008/07/14/122946/971553/10/prabowo-ngaku-nggak-akan-ngoyo-soal-capres
13. ^ 5 Capres 2009 Main Division. LSI / Detik.com. Accessed on 2008-01-14
14. ^ Bahri, Nina; Noviar Jamal, "Indonesia's 2009 election candidates," SCTV / MediaScrape, 2007-11-06. Accessed on 2007-12-13.
15. ^ "JK and Sri Sultan Favorites Cawapres 2009", KOMPAS, 2007-10-03. Accessed on 2007-12-13.
16. ^ Mujani, saiful (February 2008). "Economic Trends sentiment-Politics 2008" (pdf). Institute Surveys Indonesia. Retrieved on 2008-02-10.
17. ^ "Indonesia president still No.1 election choice - poll", Reuters, 2008-02-06. Accessed on 2008-02-10.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Hamas Send Letter To Obama By John Kerry

Washington, Groups Hamas send a letter to U.S. President Barack Obama. Submitted a letter that UN officials in Gaza to Democratic Senator John Kerry during a visit to Gaza.

Kerry then submit a letter to the U.S. consulate in Jerusalem, Israel. "Mail is in a closed envelope, addressed to the President of the U.S.," said Kerry spokesman, Frederick Jones to the AFP news agency on Saturday (21/2/2009).

It is said Jones, Kerry received a letter from the head of UNRWA, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, at the end of the meeting in Gaza. However, when the UN officials did not notify anyone of that letter. Senator Kerry knows new media coverage of Hamas if that letter is.

According to UNRWA spokesman, Christopher Gunness, a letter has been "left on the gate, our offices in Gaza" and believed to come from Hamas.

Unknown what the content of the letter.

But Hamas has disputed the letter to give to Kerry. "But we are prepared for a relationship with anyone who supports the rights of Palestinian people," said Hamas spokesman, Fawzi Barhum.

During his visit in Gaza, Kerry does not meet Hamas representatives. Be the Senator had put up a U.S. President, the existence in Gaza is not the change in U.S. policy towards Hamas group.

U.S. Government, European Union and Israel consider Hamas as a terrorist organization.

Most iPhone applications gathering dust

iPhone users have very short attention spans.

Just 30 percent of people who buy an iPhone application actually use it the day after it was purchased, according to Pinch Media, which analyzed over 30 million downloads from Apple's App Store. And the numbers plunge from there: after 20 days, less than 5 percent of those who downloaded an application are actively using it. The drop-off is worse for free applications.

Those are amazing numbers. It's not a new pattern--GigaOm and TechCrunch noticed this last August--but back then, with the App Store just a month old, it was hard to know whether that usage model would last.

Now it's clear that seven months, 15,000 applications, and 500 million downloads later, things haven't changed. App Store activity continues to be huge; Apple has made the App Store the centerpiece of its iPhone marketing over the last few months, highlighting the breadth and depth of applications that are available on the App Store for business and entertainment.

But if most people don't find iPhone applications very compelling, does it matter how many exist? It's enough to wonder if the App Store is starting to get a bit saturated.

Pinch Media CEO Greg Yardley looks at it a little differently. In his view, Apple has built such an easy-to-use distribution (as well as payment processing) platform for iPhone applications that people find it very easy to move onto the next thing that catches their fancy. The lack of a "try-before-you-buy" feature means iPhone users have no choice but to take the plunge, and given that most iPhone applications are free and the ones that do cost money are very inexpensive, there's little incentive to carefully shop around for the one application that best meets your needs.

Only about 10 percent of iPhone applications appear to retain an audience over time, and most of those are games, entertainment applications such as movie listings, and things like Facebook ("their user sessions must be off the charts," Yardley said).

But developers are still making plenty of money from the other 90 percent, he said. As noted, people are very willing to try new iPhone applications, meaning that building a better mousetrap is still a very viable business model for the world of mobile computing. His advice for developers is to get your money up front, and charge something for your application rather than trying to depend on a free/ad-subsidized model, because the number of people viewing those ads will plummet the day after the application lands on their iPhones.

At some point, however, Apple will need to find a better way to help developers promote their applications within an ocean. "The App Store fails as a promotional mechanism. There's only so much screen real estate" that Apple can use within the App Store window to promote applications, Yardley said, and if you don't get on those Top 100 or Staff Favorites lists, your application languishes.

Yardley thinks there is still a great deal of opportunity for developers on the App Store, which isn't that surprising given he makes his living by advising iPhone developers. And it's true that if the installed base of iPhones continues to grow, there will be more and more niche opportunities to cater to the needs of high-school students and seniors, and everyone in between.

Still, how many more currency conversion (37), recipe (67), and fart-joke (30) applications do iPhone users really need, especially if they aren't using the ones they've already got?

How Better Place plans to revive the electric car

Better Place-compatible Nissan Rogue

This interview was originally posted at CNET Australia. We have reposted it because the U.S. faces similar challenges to Australia in adopting electric-vehicle technology.

q&a We sat down with the CEO of Better Place Australia, Evan Thornley, to discuss how his company plans to make the electric car a reality in Australia.

Last year we reported on Better Place's deals with various national and state governments, such as Israel, Denmark, Hawaii, and California, to roll out infrastructure to assist in the adoption of electric vehicles (EV) from about 2011 onwards. This infrastructure will primarily consist of battery exchange stations, where drivers of Better Place compatible EVs can have their nearly depleted battery pack swapped out for a fully charged set, and EV charging points, located in homes as well as public places.

At the end of January, Evan Thornley was appointed as CEO of Better Place's Australian operations. Thornley was a founder of LookSmart and recently quit his seat in the Victorian State Parliament on the eve of his elevation to the ministry, raising the ire of the state's Liberal opposition. He and Guy Pross, the company's director of government affairs, sat down for a chat with CNET Australia about how Better Place plans to convert Australia's car fleet to electric vehicles.

CNET Australia: So why was Australia chosen?

Evan Thornley: Well, we think that this system works best for high-kilometer drivers. So the best way to prove that was to target a country which has plenty of those.

Could you please elaborate on how your system "works best for high-kilometer drivers?"

ET: Once the recharging infrastructure exists and the battery's sitting in the car, then, if you pay full commercial price for renewable energy, the energy costs of driving one kilometer down the road in an EV is about 1/7th the cost of driving that same kilometer using petrol.

Australia spends AU$20 billion to AU$30 billion a year on petrol, depending on the oil price and the currency. If we're able to convert the whole fleet over, then the renewable energy costs to power that fleet would be around AU$5 billion a year.

Who do we create the most value for the quickest then? The people who drive the most number of kilometers, because that's when we're displacing the largest amount of petrol. These drivers are the most attractive for us because, when you look at the lifetime cost of a car, much of it goes into the petrol tank not the vehicle itself.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sony springs a couple new Cyber-shot W models for Spring

Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W290

The W290 comes in a rather subdued palette of colors

(Credit: Sony Electronics)

Joining the lower-middle middle-class W220 that Sony announced at CES are the $199 middle middle-class W230 and $249 upper-middle middle-class W290. (Sorry folks, but I'm running out of ways to describe mid-priced cameras.) While the W230 only differs from the W220 by $10 and LCD size--it's 3 inches vs. 2.7--the W290 has the same resolution and LCD as the W230 but with a significantly more flexible lens and better movie capture capabilities.

In fact, based on the specifications the W290 sounds like a better deal than the W300. It's about $80 less (including Sony recent price drop on the W300 by $20). And though it's only 12 megapixels compared to the W300's 13.6, that's a pretty trivial difference compared to the nontrivial advantage the W290's 3-inch LCD, wide-angle 5X 28-140mm-equivalent lens and 30fps 720p MPEG-4 movie capture offer over the W300's 2.7-incher, narrow angle 3X zoom lens and VGA video. The W290 also includes Sony's latest automatic scene and face detection technologies, and doesn't include the hideously annoying and confusing Home menu anymore. If it's not abysmally slow and doesn't produce terrible photos, I think the W290 might be a mainstream contender for 2009. We'll get one, get going and get back to you when it's available later this Spring.