Maybe you already know that cigarette smoke suck other people near you more dangerous for you than for the smokers themselves. Home is smoke smoke that cigarette terhisap directly into the lungs in smokers hembuskan again. Side is smoked cigarette smoke generated by the tip of a cigarette burn.
The problem is, the air containing cigarette smoke, and you hisap, akan distemper, because cigarette smoke contains many harmful substances-substances, including:
Contain the toxic chemicals, so the cell damage and lung cancer meyebabkan.
* Carbon monoxide (CO)
Toxic gas that can lead to reduced ability of blood to bring oxygen.
* Nicotine
One type of stimulant drugs that can damage the heart and blood circulation, make nicotine addicted users.
cigarette pouch
During the last few years, scientists have proved that the oxygen-oxygen chemical dikandung cigarette smoke can affect those who do not smoke in the surrounding areas.
Passive smokers can increase the risk of lung cancer and coronary heart. More than that suck the cigarette smoke can aggravate the condition pengidap disease:
Chest pain due to blood vessel constriction in the heart.
* Asthma
Have difficulty breathing.
* Allergies
Irritation due to cigarette smoke.
Symptoms of health disturbances:
eye irritation, headache, dizziness, sore throat, cough and shortness of breath.
Pregnant women who smoke or passive smokers, meyalurkan oxygen-toxic substances from cigarette smoke to the fetus through the dikandungnya blood circulation. Nicotine cigarettes cause heart rate increases rapidly fetus, carbon monoxide causes oxygen berkurangya received fetus.
Children of parents who smoke face more likely to suffer major chest pain, ear infections, nose and throat. And they have twice as likely to be treated in the hospital in their first year of life.
Many people know the dangers of smoking, but not many who care.
See the dangers that smoking can cause, among us it would need to help each other do three main things:
1. Communication and information about the dangers of smoking, both for the smoker directly or passive smokers.
2. Provide special places for people who are not smoking so that smokers not exposed to negative impacts.
3. Do not feel reluctant to reprimand smokers, if you feel disturbed.