1. With exercise, take a special (and sometimes equipment &
Special training) and takes a while to see results.
2. Consume food / drink, p, are not always suitable for
everyone. For some people, the body would give effect
rejection, especially if the products made from materials that contain
chemical compound / non-natural materials. Please consult with a doctor expert
ybs if history has a certain disease.
3. Strict diet. You certainly do not like this way. Self-torment, it is necessary to
Cost more, and high discipline. If you are negligent, your body will
soon expand again quickly. If so, when you akan
enjoy a slim body condition of your own?
4. Operation sedot fat. Need high-cost and quite risky.
If so, then the solution for you is: Use Envy Body Slim
Envy Body Slim, clothing & health slimer body with:
- Technologies that compress the size of grain penyerap to infra red
scale 1: 1000 million, but the function of giving ganda.
- Effectiveness for up to 5 times
- Quality products assured
- Can be used anytime and anywhere
- Safe to use immediately after birth
Why Envy Body Slim? Yes, because:
- This product was teruji and in Malaysia, Singapore,
Thailand, and Brunei are now in Indonesia.
- Economically. Only pay once for up to THREE years. And
You do not need to change the size of your body stays at a more
trim from the beginning, because ...
- Envy Body Slim is very elastic and light
- Infra Red making them work for up to 5 times more effective
- Having the texture of a very soft
- You can feel the benefits in the first 14 days.
- Comfortable in use for the activities of any kind, to the office, berolah sport, to
party etc..
- No side effects
- Dipakai after giving birth?
Who should buy and wear?
* Women's work
* Surirumah
* Women after childbirth
* Teenage Girls
* Loving husband
* Women's exceeds 40 years
Envy the lingerie consists of a corset and panties, the added grain infra red to help form the body / bodies.
Is made of nylon spandex for comfort. Envy Body Slim bodice help decrease stomach and body shape. In Envy Slim pants also help decrease the stomach, lift the buttocks and thigh mengecangkan the slack.
Envy SLIM: For health and physique captivating:
* Sinar infrah Red
* Waves Effect
* Ion Titanium
* Fiber Anti bacteria
Excess Envy SLIM:
* Infra red rays have been proven to help smooth circulation of blood, excessive fat metabolism, streamline the body and feeling tired quickly, streamline the body and the feeling of tired quickly.
* Effect of wave massage magentik help let pengionan in blood, smooth circulation of blood and give you better health.
* Ion titanium help kill and prevent bacteria growth, then no longer have body odor problems.
* Fiber anti-bacteria well-designed to prevent bacterial growth. Material texture you berelastis tinggidengan anti-roll function to give a sense of comfort and lovely body.
* Burn fat at the hyperbolic
* Helps tighten pinggul
* Lift the chest and the thigh of the mengeleber / lax.
* Comfortable in use at
* Does not absorb sweat and tingle
* Assist and very suitable for women new birth.